Eclectus General Bathing


Sep 22, 2012
Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know of any tricks to have an Eclectus enjoy bathing and water. I have tried literally everything... This bird absolutely positively despises being wet. I lightly run water over him and he growls, I bring him into shower on a row and oh yes he growls AND glares, I splash around in a water dish nearby him to make it looks fun and oh you guessed it! He glares, growls, AND THEN RUNS! And I do not mean backs away. He literally runs away, tries to fly down stairs despite wings clipped, and then he will remerge an hour later as if he is checking to make certain the "threat" is gone (only way I can describe).

Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Chico, only once looked like he enjoyed a shower and that was after my return from a week apart. On occasion he will relish a bath in his water bowl when the vacuum is running. Mostly I take him into the shower a couple times a week. Mist/spray his back, then I flip him over and spread his wings so the spray can reach the underside. I avoid his head as he is prone to getting water in his nose causing sneezing.
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Echo allows humans to easily turn him over to roll and what not, so I suppose I could try that. Although I think in his case he is genuinely afraid of water. And honestly I do not have any idea where it would have come from since the breeder was rather experienced and I have only ever tried during afternoons (aside from the second month I had where I simply had to do after dinner due to work scheduling).

Does anyone know of any "games" one could play with an Ekkie to make it fun?
Have you tried just taking a shower with him on your shoulder? Though this may be dangerous given what you've described his reaction as being...
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I have a shower perch that I let him sit on... I have not tried shoulder, although I do not see any danger. Echo has never even attempted to bite me outside the first two weeks that I had... He might pinch others but only "gums" me for his own balance.

I might try placing "Soccer" with him in the bath tub or something. I have a large ball with holes he chases and grabs (and when he does he gets a treat). Maybe I could coax him into chasing it in the water and having a bit of fun in the process.

Although I would rather find a non-treat induced way to have him bath happily lol!
Okay, have you tried just putting the shower on him directly while he sits on his perch? Is it against a wall such that if/when he tries to scoot away from the direct water that is ultimately cornered? Sounds kind of evil I know...its really not. Sodakat's rain water emulation is a nice suggestion. Rumi seems to like the direct shower water, but the type of shower head I have, it is like a rain.
Here's how I got my ekkies to enjoy their bath time. I have them on my arm, not shoulder, they get better grip on your hands and arms better then your shoulder when wet. I hold them under the shower and I run my hands over their feathers and talk to them while doing it. Baby talk! I slowly light their wing up and have the shower water splashing under their wings. I kept doing it and over time they learn to enjoy it. After awhile I start using the shower perch and they enjoy it just as much. When I'm busy with too many birds to take in the shower with me I would use a spray bottle while they enjoy it as well. Now, if I can only get Malachai to enjoy bath time, he hates
Another suggestion would be placing the vacuum near his cage and turning it on. Just let it run. The humming of the vacuum motor often inspires them to bathe. This is assuming he has a large enough water dish to accomodate his little self! Two of mine (Rose and LaFitte) prefer bowl bathing, two like bathing or showers (Sailor and Jackie) and the others prefer showering (water falling from above). My 3 pluckers like I told you earlier, did not like water at all. They have accepted getting wet and do eventually open their wings and raise their feathers so their skin gets wet.

I've found that if I turn on the vacuum they will soon lift their feathers.

When we lived aboard our sailboat and started the motor, Rose and LaFitte always jumped in their water bowls. So it may be the vibration of the vacuum that encourages bathing as much as the noise.

I am very, very sure that some regular bathing will encourage a molt in your boy and he will look great soon. Water is so beneficial to parrot feathers and skin.
Another suggestion would be placing the vacuum near his cage and turning it on. Just let it run. The humming of the vacuum motor often inspires them to bathe. This is assuming he has a large enough water dish to accomodate his little self! Two of mine (Rose and LaFitte) prefer bowl bathing, two like bathing or showers (Sailor and Jackie) and the others prefer showering (water falling from above). My 3 pluckers like I told you earlier, did not like water at all. They have accepted getting wet and do eventually open their wings and raise their feathers so their skin gets wet.

I've found that if I turn on the vacuum they will soon lift their feathers.

When we lived aboard our sailboat and started the motor, Rose and LaFitte always jumped in their water bowls. So it may be the vibration of the vacuum that encourages bathing as much as the noise.

I am very, very sure that some regular bathing will encourage a molt in your boy and he will look great soon. Water is so beneficial to parrot feathers and skin.

Vaccums and washing machines spinning are great motivators! :)
Wow, I am now very curious if the few times my Eko responded to bathing had to do with vacuuming, weird! I recently made of these shower perches previously mentioned on the forum.

Still only very seldomly is he actually INTO it .. and i got pics and video, its wonderful.
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Wow, I am now very curious if the few times my Eko responded to bathing had to do with vacuuming, weird! I recently made of these shower perches previously mentioned on the forum.

Still only very seldomly is he actually INTO it .. and i got pics and video, its wonderful.

I am VERY VERY curious as to how MY image ended up on the link you provided. That is my picture...taken in my kitchen. :confused: :confused: :confused:
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Maui only enjoys the shower when I am in the shower with him. I have also noticed he doesn't like it to warm. He prefers it on the cooler side! Good thing I have two shower heads! Brrr!
Wow, I am now very curious if the few times my Eko responded to bathing had to do with vacuuming, weird! I recently made of these shower perches previously mentioned on the forum. .

Still only very seldomly is he actually INTO it .. and i got pics and video, its wonderful.

I am VERY VERY curious as to how MY image ended up on the link you provided. That is my picture...taken in my kitchen. :confused: :confused: :confused:

I can't believe this...... how did that ever happen.... is possible that someone can copy and then paste them there?
Could it be that your browser took you to one of your links instead of the link Nicki posted? If someone else saw you in your kitchen I hope they speak up. What I'm getting at is, if only you saw the link of yourself, it could be a computer glitch, not a forum glitch or even a swipe of something you posted. Nicki has posted her boy before.

I never followed that link so can't say.
Aha. So pinning a link to an image is verboten unless the owner of the image has given permission. I wonder how often that happens!
Aha. So pinning a link to an image is verboten unless the owner of the image has given permission. I wonder how often that happens!

HAHAHAHHAA!!! Yes, it's verboten, but I bet it happens a WHOLE lot.

I would have NEVER known or noticed, had I not been made aware.
Yes, and the more you click on the info, it takes you to a DIY section and then to a store where you can purchase items.

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