Eclectus Diet - Suitable Dry Mixes

Origins Wild Diet from TheBestBirdFood
Have you feed this food and if so was it easily accepted? Mine isn't really a fan of Tops
My Eckie's dry treat cup consists of oatmeal granola, a mixture of nuts, and a non-viramin fortified seed mix. BUT those are treats. Chop is his main food bowl.

My chop consists of cooked sweet potato, broccolli, red, orange and yellow bell peppers, soy beans, red pepper flakes, mixed fruit and those match stick carrots.

My other birds get a pellet/vitamin fortified seed/nut/granola mix in one bowl and chop in another.

They also get treat cups at dinner time with usually a little of what ever the humans are eating that they can have.

I believe in variety.
My Eckie's dry treat cup consists of oatmeal granola, a mixture of nuts, and a non-viramin fortified seed mix. BUT those are treats. Chop is his main food bowl.

My chop consists of cooked sweet potato, broccolli, red, orange and yellow bell peppers, soy beans, red pepper flakes, mixed fruit and those match stick carrots.

My other birds get a pellet/vitamin fortified seed/nut/granola mix in one bowl and chop in another.

They also get treat cups at dinner time with usually a little of what ever the humans are eating that they can have.

I believe in variety.
I was advised by a vet to go easy with nuts. I only give mine almond slivers as training treats. I also go easy with fruit as it seems to trigger hormonal issues with my little lady. But I do agree that variety is the spice of life for all birds.
My Eckie's dry treat cup consists of oatmeal granola, a mixture of nuts, and a non-viramin fortified seed mix. BUT those are treats. Chop is his main food bowl.

My chop consists of cooked sweet potato, broccolli, red, orange and yellow bell peppers, soy beans, red pepper flakes, mixed fruit and those match stick carrots.

My other birds get a pellet/vitamin fortified seed/nut/granola mix in one bowl and chop in another.

They also get treat cups at dinner time with usually a little of what ever the humans are eating that they can have.

I believe in variety.

If you’re amenable to some unsolicited advice:

Pitch the soy beans. These have phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen, the primary sex hormone for parrots. These can be a one way ticket hormoneville. They really have no business in an Ekkie diet. Diversify the chop more, depending on how often you are mixing it up. I maker 4-6 month batches so I need 20+ ingredients to get a well rounded nutrition. If you’re making new chop every week, it’s less of a concern if you’re mixing it up every time.

The treat mix…is very fat and carb heavy, all hormone triggers. Oatmeal has more carbs than you’d imagine. I dont know how often or what quantities it’s being given but if you see hormones spike, let that be your first target.

Ekkies are quite prone to atherosclerosis, so watch the fat content, something alluded to above.
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Have you feed this food and if so was it easily accepted? Mine isn't really a fan of Tops
Yes, I add a bit to meals occasionally. It’s less prone to pulverization, so that’s a plus. Easily accepted? That’s really down to the individual. My boy hasn’t totally taken to them, but does eat them more than tops.
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If you’re amenable to some unsolicited advice:

Pitch the soy beans. These have phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen, the primary sex hormone for parrots. These can be a one way ticket hormoneville. They really have no business in an Ekkie diet. Diversify the chop more, depending on how often you are mixing it up. I maker 4-6 month batches so I need 20+ ingredients to get a well rounded nutrition. If you’re making new chop every week, it’s less of a concern if you’re mixing it up every time.

The treat mix…is very fat and carb heavy, all hormone triggers. Oatmeal has more carbs than you’d imagine. I dont know how often or what quantities it’s being given but if you see hormones spike, let that be your first target.

Ekkies are quite prone to atherosclerosis, so watch the fat content, something alluded to above.
Wow. That explains it! We've occasionally given our ekkies soybeans, but never as the primary fresh food source. Usually mixed in with peas, corn, and carrots. One time we gave them a snack sized serving (about 10 soybeans) and our adult male (now 10+) devoured them. All was fine, until later in the day, he started toe tapping. And he continued doing it into the next day. After that, it abated and didn't return. So, we cut out soybeans. NOW I understand why it's a problem -- thanks, Chris!

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