Ecelectus Cage size?


Aug 23, 2023
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Hiya all,

I’m adopting an Ecelectus parrot on Friday and he needs a new cage. I was just wondering whether this one would be suitable? I work from home so he’ll be out pretty much all the time and it will only really be used to sleep in or when I pop out.

The measurements are (CM) 119 x 62 x 52

In the description it does say suitable for medium sized birds, but it just seems a little small for me? I have no idea when it comes to measuring things though lol!

Many thanks x
I went through this same process when adopting my Ekkie. Yes, it is suitable for an Ekkie & medium sized parrots. Bigger is always better. I too found that a lot of “medium” sized cages seemed more suitable for a conure if the bar spacing was less. The odd thing is at least with my parrots… they all perch in a corner of a cage, and don’t utilize most of the space. I’ll put toys, and treats trying to get them to explore their cage, and usually they will grab the treat just to return to where they perch.

Cage, and carrier shopping is awful for me! It’s one of my least favorite things to do.
With any parrot, get the biggest cage you can afford (and fit). Appropriate bar spacing of course, but as has been said, bigger is ALWAYS better.
I think that is too small. I think that would be more appropriate for a conure. My ekkie acts like a 2 year old with ADHD. She uses every square inch of her cage. You will thank yourself later for getting the biggest cage you can afford.


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I’ve wondered if the manufactures of these cages consider/classify a conure as a medium sized bird but the bar spacing is off or something. I’ve seen pictures of conures on cages that are more suitable for a parakeet. I think they did a tremendous job on photo shopping 😂😂 I see the measurements on line. It seems big enough. Then it arrives, and once put together I realize that it’s not going to be working out. This is the downside for ordering online. Then at local pet stores they don’t have anything for large/medium parrots. The struggle is real!!!
Definitely don't trust their pictures. I do go down to review pictures taken though, those are more real. I crack up then I look at parrot products on Amazon, etc because of that too lol. Especially perches, playgyms
Definitely don't trust their pictures. I do go down to review pictures taken though, those are more real. I crack up then I look at parrot products on Amazon, etc because of that too lol. Especially perches, playgyms
Piccolo has felt bamboozled a few times.
I think that is too small. I think that would be more appropriate for a conure. My ekkie acts like a 2 year old with ADHD. She uses every square inch of her cage. You will thank yourself later for getting the biggest cage you can afford.
Thanks for the suggestion! I’m gonna go for a bigger cage.
Get the largest one you have space for, also try to get one that doesn’t open up on the top as they could be dangerous. I have space, Solo has a double macaw cage and he climbs round all of it.
Sophie’s Kitchen looks to be a good single bird size. Maybe 3ftx3ft ish.

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