Eating Nutriberries


New member
Jul 26, 2013
Yellow Shouldered Amazon
Quaker parrot
I ate a nutriberry today, I have to say it was pretty tasty.
So tasty that Pritti wouldn't eat anything once I started offering them to him.

I recenty tasted the Oven Baked Caitec crumbles. Tastes like a slightly spicy bran muffin without any sugar. But smells yuk.
I've tasted Nutri-Berries also. They are good! My birds & I eat just about the same things anyway...Fruits, veggies, grains, cereal, pasta, oatmeal, etc. No, I leave the pellets to them, not one of my favorites. :);)
I usually pop a few of the Harrison's pepper pellets in my mouth when I serve them, it's like a spicy crouton hahaha

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