Dove nest / eggs with snow coming


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2013
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Lehigh Valley, PA
B&G Macaw (Max)
Okay, you know you're a bird nut when you are worried about the momma dove that nests every year in the bush next to the front door.

This year we are having the irate Mother Nature weather with snow called for again this and freezing temps coming within the week. I have already zip tied a shallow dish of millet and crushed corn for her to be sure she has plenty of food. We just had the last about a foot of snow melt away, so it's crazy weather here.

Big question for anyone who has pigeon / dove experience. I am debating zip tying a few of the 12 hour hand warmer packs under the nest area (not directly, but in the general area) for the nights when it is supposed to get below freezing. I know I am looking at Max and thinking, he'd never make it below 40, he'd be looking for someone to snuggle up to keep him warm, am I overly worrying about this momma dove and the eggs or would a little help from her human admirers be welcome. :)

We had doves and pigeons at the shelter, but no experience with wild!

Here are pics of the eggs and what a beauty momma is. We keep joking maybe we could talk her into moving inside (joking tho, anyone who knows me at all knows I'm downright OCD about disease exposure).

This is at least the third year, but usually it's warmer by now and the bush is filled in more, it seems a bit bare this year, so not sure she has as much protection... would clipping a towel to stop wind be of help.

Go ahead and laugh... my husband daughter are both laughing at me :) :p


You are so sweet [emoji4]

But no, DO NOT add heat of any kind. You will throw off the natural brooding abilities of the mother and endanger the eggs much more than the cold weather. She is equipped to care for them, especially with your helpful addition of nearby food [emoji4] if you would like to add a heated water dish nearby (such as is manufactured for outdoor dogs or winter bird baths however, THAT could be very helpful [emoji4]

A towel is likely to frighten her off. Trust me she can handle it; in SD they stick around all winter even when it’s -15!

And I’m
Not laughing; you have a kind soul.

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You are so sweet [emoji4]

But no, DO NOT add heat of any kind. You will throw off the natural brooding abilities of the mother and endanger the eggs much more than the cold weather. She is equipped to care for them, especially with your helpful addition of nearby food [emoji4] if you would like to add a heated water dish nearby (such as is manufactured for outdoor dogs or winter bird baths however, THAT could be very helpful [emoji4]

A towel is likely to frighten her off. Trust me she can handle it; in SD they stick around all winter even when it’s -15!

And I’m
Not laughing; you have a kind soul.

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Hearing they make it thru negative degree weather makes me feel much better :) My worry this year is only because the bush (it's really an arborvitae tree), is much more bare than usual, this year nothing is around her eggs. But definitely won't put out any heat packs.

I don't have a heated bowl, but might need to make a run to Agway tomorrow if we are not snowed in. Tho we have snow tonight, the temps are not supposed to be below freezing, but later in the week we have another cold snap coming.

Thanks for your help! I appreciate your advice, I know you have many years of breeding experience :)
Well in this case I’m relying more on my years of delinquent nest robbing as a child...

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I’m in northern Michigan. It’s still below freezing. Our homing pigeons are sitting on eggs right now. They don’t have heat and are fine. They hatched out babies during the winter and they did fine. If you don’t find a heated bowl just refresh a couple times a day. They can usually keep the ice open until it gets down below 20*. I’m feeling the same way for our newly returned robins after yesterday’s six inches of snow! Thanks for caring.
I’m in northern Michigan. It’s still below freezing. Our homing pigeons are sitting on eggs right now. They don’t have heat and are fine. They hatched out babies during the winter and they did fine. If you don’t find a heated bowl just refresh a couple times a day. They can usually keep the ice open until it gets down below 20*. I’m feeling the same way for our newly returned robins after yesterday’s six inches of snow! Thanks for caring.

It did snow last night, but sun is out bright and strong and thankfully the front of the house gets sun most of day, so she has lots of sun and everything is already melting, it is approve freezing!

I might use your suggestion of refreshing a few times a day, hopefully we only have 1 last freezing spell and spring will actually arrive... I keep joking we need to sacrifice something to appease Mother Nature!
Great photos!

You have a smart pair of Doves there! They have located in a protected location and although not as protective this year, still well located.

Keep us updated on their progress!
Well our dove family is doing well! Plenty of water out there to drink, actually the one photo you can even see a few drops of water on the tail... and while we have been talking about the momma, turns out the dove in our pics is dad. I have been doing reading because I had never seen a morning dove with all the blue, turns out the duller colors I also associated with morning doves is just the coloring for the females. The pretty feathered baby in the photos is the male.

We did dump the food (was wet and yuck), put out fresh food for the pair! But all is well so far, while we had quite a bit of snow last night, super bright sun, 40some degrees and most everything is melting out there!

Pics from just now of dad sitting on the eggs...




Absolutely beautiful!

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