Don't try this, putting bird in snow


New member
Jul 29, 2013
I didn't expect her to take off like that, she got really spooked. I wonder what would have happened if she landed in deeper snow, would she have kept on flying?

Video was taken with my home surveillance camera.

[ame=""]Amazon parrot in the snow - YouTube[/ame]
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Yeah this is a REALLY bad idea. If she had gotten away from you, the cold could have easily killed her, unfortunately. Sorry to be blunt.
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Yeah it was a bad idea. I have her outside a lot and she never gets spooked like this.

She actually didn't want to leave my hand as she must have been afraid of the snow but I twisted my hand to force her off.

What is scary is the snow was 20 inches deep, if she didn't fly into the tree but into the snow again would she have continued flying.

I don't know but I won't try this again.
Okay. Enough.

I don't know what it is with you and experimenting with your poor amazon, but GIVE IT A REST, ALREADY!

So far as my temper goes, I tend to have a slow burn. I've tried giving you the benefit of the doubt. But really?!?

Let's take a look at some of the other "Let's experiment dangerously with my 'zon" threads you've come up with in your time on this forum:

And let's not forget THIS winner, where the video of the "nesting area" that you provided for your amazon was so dangerous that we mods had to remove it from the thread!

Now, in the first link I posted above, you were asking whether it would be okay for your amazon to accompany you into the considerably colder confines of your garage. Several of us pointed out to you that such a drastic shift in temps wouldn't be good for your bird. That the acclimation would need to take place over a much longer period of time.

So having heard that, you somehow make the brilliant intuitive leap of skipping the enclosed environs of your chilly garage entirely and taking your poor experimental amazon OUT INTO THE WINTER COLD?!? But wait, that alone doesn't satisfy your experimental curiosity, does it? No, you then proceed to force her onto the ground?!? IN 20 INCHES OF FREAKING SNOW?!?


Do you not see anything wrong with what you continue to do with your bird? Has it never occurred to you that it might be wrong to subject her to your experimental whims? Have you no empathy at all?

What's wrong with you?
"She actually didn't want to leave my hand as she must have been afraid of the snow but I twisted my hand to force her off."

Why would you do this! The poor bird! If this happened accidentally it would have been tragic enough but to do it on purpose and force her? I really don't get it.
Given your history, you truly are a VERY poor example of a responsible parront.

SHAME ON YOU for continuously putting your bird's welfare at risk! :mad:
In the past when we lived where it snowed, we brought the snow INSIDE and put it in a pan for Kiwi to check out on his own terms in the warm apartment (which was pretty amusing). Never once though did we even remotely consider putting him (a tropical animal who's not designed for snow/cold) outside in it.

I am glad your zon is ok, but you really need to take her safety into consideration before trying new things with her. It's a good thing to try to expose her to new and different things, but please think twice about safe ways to go about it before doing something in the future.
I hope you will take these beatings in stride, some of the stuff you are doing even make me look good!
When you are ready to rehome her, I will help you out!
Seriously??? You ignored her expressions of fear and twisted her off your hand into the snow --her first experience with snow-- what did you expect to happen when she hit the snow?! and WHY did you not have a harness on her when she's flighted?? Both of you are lucky she made it only as far as that tree [emoji35]
I am heartbroken for your poor amazon. I don't know what frightens me the most...if you are posting these things because in some way you want to introduce her to new things and have no idea what you're doing, or if you are posting for a reaction from us and putting her in danger to do it.
Either way, I beg of you to stop and reconsider her treatment.
Poor thing.She should have a harness outside.Shes a Parrot not an experiment why would you even want her in the snow? These parrots are not supposed to be in cold weather.Plum headed parakeets also are parrots that cold weather can kill them.
FYI: Internet troll

In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[3] often for their own amusement.


.....just saying......:54:
What's even worse is that it's apparently true (on video)!, he could have killed her and not just meant to upset people with something not true (which we just saw on another thread). We are fine and warm right now. I worry for her safety. I wish it was just a joke..a bad one at that.
Exactly im not trying to start arguments im just stating whats true.I care about everybody else's birds not just my own so its normal for me to be worried.
Exactly im not trying to start arguments im just stating whats true.I care about everybody else's birds not just my own so its normal for me to be worried.
Don't worry. The troll reference wasn't for you.
Yeah it was a bad idea. I have her outside a lot and she never gets spooked like this.

She actually didn't want to leave my hand as she must have been afraid of the snow but I twisted my hand to force her off.

What is scary is the snow was 20 inches deep, if she didn't fly into the tree but into the snow again would she have continued flying.

I don't know but I won't try this again.

No, you'll find some other IDIOT thing to do, because that's what STUPID people do.
The video represents an irresponsible effort at thrill-seeking with an innocent parrot ill equipped to handle the complex psychological needs of its owner.

May I humbly suggest you keep your Amazon safely indoors and purchase a drone for vicarious outdoor flight?

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