Don't let the bird sit on your head??


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Jul 24, 2013
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Rico, Chiquito, Taco - lovebirds
Is it true you should never let a pet bird sit on your head? I heard a long time ago it will think it's "better" than you. :D

My birds already think they are better than me. I think thats a bird trait. I dont let min sit on my head because they poop up there and its a nasty mess.
Many people have different ideas on this. I do not believe in it. On the other hand I don't want a bird on my head pooping! You can not read there body language up there and if there feet get tangled in your hair and the get scared and try to fly it could end in injury. In my flock 2 get to sit on my shoulder because after years of working with them I know What may get me bite, the others are arm birds.
not true I think birds already know they are better than us anyway :p mine are allowed anywhere on me they want except my Lorikeet.
Nimbus loves climbing my head just because it's as high as she can get, she likes to be up high :p
I don't think it's a "dominance" thing. They just like being as high as they can get. Basil has flown onto my husband (and they are not friends) because he's so much taller than the rest of us. Then he crouches down low so I can rescue him (my husband, by removing the bird...yes it's true).
My first bird, Percy, used to sit on my head sometimes, but i preferred he didn't for poo reasons.
Gilbert now TRIES landing on my head but i just say no, ask him to step up, and either have him on my hand or my shoulder.
Out of "politeness" i prefer my birds not do it.
When the Beaks perch on my head, they have a little tendency to reach down and lift my glasses off my nose by the bridge piece. So no, I prefer they don't sit there. When they sit on my shoulder, they like to chomp on my ears/earrings, so I prefer they don't sit there. That leaves my hand. It's amazing how quickly they're learning to stay on my hand now that I don't tolerate them sitting any higher up! :)
the biggest thing I think is you cant see them. so ou cant see if they are about to jump off you, bite you ect. also you WILL eventually get pooped on if he/she is on your shoulder/head. I don't let cooper on my head unless im standing still or sitting because when I walk(unless it is like .1 mph) he usually falls off since he has no grip. haha. he is aloud to sit me my shoulder, but only mine. I don't let me mom,brother,dad or anyone else have him on their shoulder. that way, if he bites, its me, not someone else, and he is the most bonded to me so I rarely get bit.
These responses were great. :D
Rosie likes to be on my head. She is "potty trained", meaning she poops before i pick her up. So I don't worry about that. But she is so active that she doesn't stay there long. She usually ends up hanging off my bun/ponytail and flaps like a lunatic. She also likes to sit on my head and then hang down over my face. :p
Rosie likes to be on my head. She is "potty trained", meaning she poops before i pick her up. So I don't worry about that. But she is so active that she doesn't stay there long. She usually ends up hanging off my bun/ponytail and flaps like a lunatic. She also likes to sit on my head and then hang down over my face. :p

That is a LOT of bird to be hanging off your head!
My wife doesn't like birds on her head for the poo reason, I don't like them landing up there because my hair's now quite thin on top, and their claws hurt:) The Plumhead in particular likes landing there, but he/she doesn't stay long and hurts a lot less than say cockatiels. As for shoulders, I've given up caring about poo on my shoulders, I wear old shirts around the house, my wife cares a lot, but she wears a "bird cape" which is pretty cool, it has plastic chain stitched on, for some reason the birds are always attracted to the single white link- they'll even stay there with it in their beak for some time, like a dummy (that thing babies get to keep 'em quiet- dunno what thy're called outside Oz).
Pacifier maybe? A lot of people also call it a binky, no idea where that comes from!
LOL! Mike17, it's funny about dummy/pacifier, isn't it? I mean, if a person spits the dummy, *we* know what that means, but to spit the pacifier sounds a bit - well - wimpy in comparison.

NB. 'To spit the dummy' means to throw a tantrum, just like a baby spitting out its pacifier in preparation for a great bellowing fit. I love Oz English! :D
LOL! Mike17, it's funny about dummy/pacifier, isn't it? I mean, if a person spits the dummy, *we* know what that means, but to spit the pacifier sounds a bit - well - wimpy in comparison.

NB. 'To spit the dummy' means to throw a tantrum, just like a baby spitting out its pacifier in preparation for a great bellowing fit. I love Oz English! :D

Got me thinking about Aussie slang- all the 'bird slang' seems to be negative, don't know why that is!?! ie Stop acting like a galah, stone the crows.... Hmmmm! :confused: ;) LOL

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