Donations in Memory of Jim (AmyMyBlueFront)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2013
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Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)

After consultation with Dave (@JimsBrother ) we want to share the love that Jim so freely gave, not only to his family and his birds, but to everyone who was fortunate enough to know him.

We are asking everyone who was touched by Jim to donate something in Jim's memory, either to a parrot rescue in your area or to an organization that helps parrots. Remember that even a $5.00 donation helps, those begin to add up.

Other ways to honor Jim:

*Call first before doing any of these things to make sure the rescue needs what you want to drop off.
They may have another need that could be taken care of.
  1. Volunteering at a rescue. Make sure to call ahead and find out if they need volunteers.​
  2. Picking up extra vegetables that are bird safe and dropping them off to a rescue.​
  3. Some rescues need newspapers dropped off for their cages.​
  4. Picking up even a small bird toy, or making a bird toy and dropping it at a rescue. That is something that all rescues can use.​
We also know that not everyone is in a position to donate or volunteer, and we don't want anyone to feel bad if they can't. Jim was well known for his kindness to others, and everyone can be kind as well. Opening doors for someone, helping someone who dropped something, helping someone across the street if they need it...all of these things would also honor who Jim was.

If you are able to donate, volunteer, drop off items, or commit Random Acts of Kindness we would love if you posted in this thread:
  1. Where you donated to (not the amount) where they are located & why you chose them.​
  2. You may provide a link if you like to your chosen charity.​
  3. Please share your act of kindness.​
  4. It would also be nice to mention what part of the world you're from.​
We would love to see how far Jim's love spreads.


We are including a list of organizations who can use donations as well, or pick an organization of your own choosing.


Ara Manzanillo
Parrot Conservation

Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots
Dedicated to the protection, the conservation and the development of endangered parrot populations and their habitats.

Belize Bird Rescue

Avian Rehabilitation Centre & Bird Sanctuary​

Care and rehabilitation for sick, injured, and orphaned wild birds

Bird Endowment
Saving the Blue-throated Macaw in Bolivia

BirdLife Australia
BirdLife Australia is dedicated to creating a bright future for Australia’s birds.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Parrot related studies and programs
*Please specify during the donation process that it be used for Parrot related studies and programs.

Flora & Fauna International
An island of hope for the Yellow-naped parrot

Parrots International
Conservation of endangered parrot species and improving the welfare of both companion parrots and parrots in the wild.

Parrot Rescue Center of Costa Rica
Primary focus is to rescue, rehabilitate, and, whenever possible, release parrots that have been kept in captivity illegally.

World Parrot Trust
Parrot conservation and education


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The Mod Team has sponsored a nest box in Jim's name on the Laney Rickman Reserve in Bolivia. They are working hard to increase the number of Blue-throated Macaws in the wild. They will place Jim's initials on the nest box, and he will be remembered in their donors section under In Memoriam.

Saving the Blue-throated Macaw in Bolivia

The donors include past and present Mods:
Anansi (Stephen) New Jersey, USA
GaleriaGila (Gail) Ohio, USA
LaManuka (Martina) Queensland, Australia
saxguy64 (Jon) Maine, USA
Scott (Scott) California, USA
Terry57 (Terry) Alberta, Canada

We chose to send Jim's kindness & love to Bolivia on beautiful blue wings. Because of Jim, there will be another nest box that will house baby Blue-throated Macaws, which is helping to save the species in the wild.
We believe that every baby that fledges from his nest box will carry his love with them, and pass it on through each generation.

Jim, you are missed, you are loved, and you will always be a part of us.


Well done, Terry.
I feel so good right now! Well, as good as I can feel, while missing our dear darling. YOU BET I'll be doing some donations and good deeds in his name and spirit. Some will know specifically about him and the deed done in his name. Others will just appreciate a random kindness and notice a warm breeze... or my smile... or an extra buck in a donation jar... or... you get the idea.
Thanks, Jim. I love you!
Folks, Jim (and Amy and Beebs) was a good friend of mine, we visited each other a few times a year with our parrots. This is indeed a fitting remembrance for his life. Jim was all about the parrots. Miss you my friend. Ordinarily I donate to the Cornell University, however the plight of the Blue Throat Macaw is dire indeed, so I too sponsored a nest box in his name. LOL, the guys in Bolivia putting these together and hanging them up are gonna be saying "Just who was this guy Jim Cullen??" Jim would have appreciated that!
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Kudos to Admin and Mod Team for recognizing Jim's boundless enthusiasm, participation, and parronthood. Jim would be modestly overjoyed with outpouring of love from his ParrotForums friends! ❤️
Thought I would share the certificate for the nest box sponsored by the mod team to honor our dear friend, Jim. :)
Nido Certificate 2022 2023 ParrotForums Family  in MEMORY of  J Cullen .webp
Jim loved and cared so much about all the birds that are part of our Parrot Forums worldwide flock. My little Lilly was fortunate to have been one of them, so a donation has been made to BirdLife Australia on behalf of Lilly, in her Uncle Jim’s name. May both of them fly high on perfect and glorious wings of love forever, along with all the other members of our PF family and flock gone before us. ❤️🙏
I remember quite a few stories from Jim about the place he shopped for toys and food for Amy and the Beebs. This past weekend, I took a drive to the refuge my guys came from. I prefer to give them my business whenever possible, as the products sold help to support them. So, with Jim in mind, I picked up my supplies, and then a bunch more toys than I normally would have. Also left a little something in the donation jar, and mentioned it was in memory of our Jim. ❤️
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I made a donation yesterday to our local rescue, Meika's Safehouse in Jim's honour.
I can't say enough good things about Meika's. I know the owners personally, and birds are their life. I adopted a few birds from them and they were wonderful throughout the whole process.
Jim, it was my honour to make this donation in your name, my Friend.
I knew sumthin' was missin' on this 4th.


I made a tiny donation to Meika, too, Terry.

Jim, I miss you deeply and sincerely and lovingly. Rest well, darling. I hereby dedicate this year's fireworks to YOU!
There is a bag of fireworks in my basement that Jim had bought in a state where they're legal. In happier times, he and I would be out in the back yard setting them off. I haven't yet progressed with my PT to a point where I can get down stairs to get them.

I sit here in my office with Jim's chair beside me and his birds singing and talking in the next room. God, I miss him 😿

God bless, Gail. :love:

Dave, I can only imagine how hard it must be, thinking of the many things you used to do together, big things or just little daily stuff. We miss him too. Please know that dear Jim's memory will not be forgotten around here.
Here's another photo that my son found on his Facebook. Not sure how old it is -

View attachment 41894

Me, Jim's son James, Jim, my son Joe.
What a wonderful picture! You and Jim really look alike, and what handsome sons y'all have.
Thank you for sharing this, I've missed seeing Jim.

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