Dogs vs Birds ~today's tragedy

This is so sad :( I'm so sorry. I'm glad I Keep Kyo locked in her own room safe from my husband's cats.
I'm so sorry you and your family had to go through this. I'm sure it must have been extremely hard for all of you.
Oh nooo, that's beyond horrible... A while ago after lots of thinking I decided my home to be bird only. that's the reason.
I'm sorry to hear this. That's terrible!

However, not all dogs have a prey drive anymore than all zons are aggressive monsters and all macs break bones.

I wouldn't leave my poodle alone with my birds, but I'd be willing to risk my life and the life of my kids that my Maltese wouldn't touch the birds or go near them. In fact, I'd be more worried for the dogs. I've seen both the sennies and the mac go for them and they yelp and run away. Not all dogs have that prey instinct.
Karen, I agree that not all dogs have a prey drive. Heck, my Oscar's surely is related to a sloth, as he's THE laziest, and most laid back dog I have ever seen.

However, accidents do and can happen without a prey drive. All it takes is for the bird to nip a dog. The dog may run away today, but tomorrow he may not. As dogs age, their temperament changes (gees, like people, I guess).
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Karen, I agree that not all dogs have a prey drive. Heck, my Oscar's surely is related to a sloth, as he's THE laziest, and most laid dog I have ever seen.

However, accidents do and can happen without a prey drive. All it takes is for the bird to nip a dog. The dog may run away today, but tomorrow he may not. As dogs age, their temperament changes (gees, like people, I guess).

I agree with that as well, but that applies to birds as well. The sweet bird of today may be the vicious biter of tomorrow. It might be the one that bites your child when your back is turned for .02 seconds.

I agree caution should be taken with birds in all situations. Personally I believe children should not be allowed to handle birds. I think it's dangerous, but not everyone here feels that way and I respect that.

Hopefully we'll all share our stories and everyone will make educated decisions.
I'm so sorry Shirre, this was an unthinkable event for your chickens and terribly traumatizing for you and your family.

Thank you for providing a difficult but timely reminder for all of us with mixed-pet families. One can be lulled into a false sense of security with predator and prey creatures and have your world upended by a spurious flash of instinct.
I am so sorry Shirre. What an awful experience this has been for you and your family. Sending many hugs to all of you.

We have a new dog we adopted in January and we never let the birds and dog interact for BOTH their safety. It's just not worth it. Posts like yours remind us how quickly things can go wrong., even when we are cautious and take many precautions. Thank you for sharing because it is an important reminder.

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