Doesn't look good :(

Wow. Thats so disturbing that someone was spraying him with bug spray. I am glad you caught him, the bastard!! I would have done the same thing, if not worse.. GRR how horrible.... So glad your little guy is on the mend now!
that's just sick, what a twisted individual.
smooth move that you caught him in the act too ;)

you were totally justified in doing what you did.
Hendrick pulled was determined that the birds were all sprayed with bug spray...and I caught the little sob trying to do it again...nobody I even knew....and his reason??? Just cause....some 25 year old that almost didn't make another day......I'll just say this...there wasn't much left when the police got here...

And Thanx to the law...there's nothing anyone can say about it..was I wrong to act that way??? I don't think so...:rolleyes:
OMG !!! Im holding my breath this whole thread. Knowing that someone purposely did this. I would have wanted to do the same thing that you did !! [and Im a girl]. You bet I would have picked him up by his hair !! Good for you !!! Thank God your little guy is ok .
Ohmygoodness that is absolutely insane that someone just wanted to do that!!! What the heck is wrong with people?!?!? There would be hell to pay if I ever caught someone abusing any of my babies.
Really sorry you have to go through this. I'm only 16, but I've lost many beloved pets that I've had since I was a baby. It really hurts, but sometimes everything turns out just okay. I hope that every thing will be okay for you and your budgie, too.

Pray for your birdie, that usually helps, atleast it might make you feel better.

Good luck!

EDIT: woah, holy crap I just finished reading the rest of the thread and saw that someone sprayed your birds with bug spray. WOW that guy is a real #%^$* I hope you knocked the snot out of him. I really do. Seriously. And you should have sprayed HIM with the bug spray. In his face. And then let your birds poop in his mouth for dessert.

But overall I'm happy that your birds are gonna be okay. And I hope the moron isn't.
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I am so glad you were able to catch the @$#%Q#$ that was doing such a horrible thing. To hurt innocent animals is truly a sign of a sick person. Especially animals that cannot protect themselves. Makes me cry.

I am very happy to learn your little friend is doing better. I hope there is no permanent damage from the spraying. Poor little guy.

Several years ago a neighborhood kid use to come to the back of my house and pound on the window to rile up my parrot. I caught him doing it and went to his parents but received no support there. Next time he did it I called the cops but they came after the fact and because was not caught in the act all they could do was speak to the family. I went ahead and lifted the whole hand print using flower, packing tape and black construction paper off of my window. I was able to reproduce the print with incredible accuracy and it was my "proof" of him harassing my parrots. I went over to the house and showed them what I had done with the police "backing me up". This is what it took to scare the kid enough to stay off my property. Extreme measures I took, yes but I felt I had to do what I had to do so solve this situation and get this kid to stop harassing my parrots not to mention him trespassing onto my property. My neighbors think I am a CSI.
So disturbing. I wish individuals like that didn't exist, but sadly they do. I can't even imagine what I would do if I caught someone hurting my birds. I have a feeling it would not be a very pleasant response. I am glad Hendrick is doing better! Hopefully he will heal up just fine!

What a cruel person. I'm so glad you caught them. I'd not like to think of what I'd do if I caught them hurting my birds... it wouldn't be pretty.

So glad your budgie is doing better! Hopefully all your birds will pull through fine and back to perfect health!
I appreciate the support everybody... we installed cameras ...night vision, motion detection..all into a hard had I not caught him red handed...I would've had proof.. it I'm glad I caught him.. who knows what his intent was this last time...

But he sprayed Monte, and the Keets...they were the only birds out at that time...all three spent over a week at the vet...but he spent more than that in the ER...I was sure I would get nailed for excessive force...but to be fair...I hardly hit him...;)

And I have the footage to back me up lol...

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