Does your parrot call to you?

My Amazon calls "Mom...Mom!" with get my attention. If I don"t respond fast enough...he starts shouting "Help! Help!" When I go to him...he calmly says "Hello" and laughs!
That's hilarious!!! These birdies - they sure are funny! :D
What's the question? Do they know when they're calliing you? Of course..They know your name better than you know theirs.
I was just interested to hear all the ways they call... yes sometimes by name they call, but also other ways... When we first get home, our lory calls out HI!! in the happiest sounding voice you can imagine. After a few of those happy Hi's and a few I love you's, she says Hi again in a searching voice. If we still don't respond, she says Hi again in a sad, you're ignoring me voice. But as soon as we respond, her tone picks and she says Come Here! in a demanding voice.
Antoinette, I loved the video - thanks so much for sharing. Mishka is a great talker, really emphasizing her words, lol!!

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