Do you train your macaws tricks?

Start with simple tricks, ones that use the parrots natural movements and likes. Wave hello, shake hands, spin are good starter ones.
I let mine take the lead.
He is super inventive inventing games, just about anything you give him he will figure out how to play with it multiple ways.

He is so mischievous, he loves having fun even if it is just scarring you with a loud bark and getting a reaction

the other day he was perched on my hand and he was whacking a plastic water bottle that hangs from a rope. He proceeds to flip upside down on my finger to hit the bottle, ...never did that before.

One thing I regret is that I used to make sort of a sword out of rolled up newspaper and have a battle with him. I realized that this kind of behavior was making him aggressive towards me and do not do it anymore.

oh these are not tricks but they are how we interact.

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