Do you regret getting your second bird?

M&M Ninja

New member
Feb 23, 2025
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Gold-capped conure
This question was inspired by a discussion I was having with another member about accommodating two clingy conures. You can see the comments here:

I've thinking long and hard about getting my second bird. I have the space and resources. There is time in my life, but if the new bird and the old bird can't be out together, the old bird will end up with less out-of-cage time. So the addition of the new bird (a decision motivated by my desire for one) would ultimately reduce the quality of life for the first bird.

I know it's a hard question, but has anybody added to their flock and later wished they'd acted a little slower or differently? Has your 'original bird' been downgraded to 'one of the birds' and how has that impacted them?
I have not regretted getting my birds. I even bred conures and cockatiels starting some years ago and ending back in 2016. Birds are so worth it!
no way. getting a second conure was the best decision i ever made. still working on taming! love them both to death

honestly for me i just put them beside each other for 3 weeks, i know they say to quarentine for longer but i trust my breeders so it took 4 introductions 2 outside the cage and 2 with them in the cage, they are best friends now. still dont know the sex of my other one but their mine for life
no way. getting a second conure was the best decision i ever made. still working on taming! love them both to death

honestly for me i just put them beside each other for 3 weeks, i know they say to quarentine for longer but i trust my breeders so it took 4 introductions 2 outside the cage and 2 with them in the cage, they are best friends now. still dont know the sex of my other one but their mine for life
What kind of conures do you have? Do they ever fight for access to you (like to sit and claim your shoulder)?
I have not regretted getting my birds. I even bred conures and cockatiels starting some years ago and ending back in 2016. Birds are so worth it!
How did your first bird respond to the later additions? How did you divide your time?
How did your first bird respond to the later additions? How did you divide your time?
I got my tiels first. They were laid back and were a bit wary of each other at first. Then I got my conures. Sure, there was some bickering at first, but they settled in okay, especially at play time. I had them out together, and they would come cuddle with me on their terms. They would all huddle around me while I was at the computer. It was quite amusing :)
They would all huddle around me while I was at the computer.
This is the dream! :)

So even with two conures - who are notorious for being territorial and feisty - they were both able to physically be on you at the same time?

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