Do parrots have exceptional hearing?


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2021
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Minnesota, USA
Eclectus Parrot: Nico (male)
Jenday Conure: Kiwi (female)
Sun Conure: Charlie (male)
The reason I ask is because of my macaw. Please donā€™t take this as me complaining about his screaming. Itā€™s just how he expresses himself I think? When I come home, and open the garage he screams. I can hear it on our ring camera. When people walk by our house he goes to the top of his cage to watch everyone. I have had his blinds closed at night so he canā€™t see outside all of the time. He still acts the same way. Instead of watching people walk by he screams instead. If I open the fridge he will start screaming as I give him a piece of birdie bread as a treat every evening. The fridge is on a different floor than him.
PS my human superpowers donā€™t exist. I got the short end of the stick. I donā€™t get to spit saliva that can tranquillize an elephant. No xray vision or hearing here. I got ripped off when it comes to abilities.
Yup. They can identify individual motor sounds too. My CAG would scream..(name's) home. Based on motor or sound of key in what ever door was being opened. She yells come in when Amazon truck stops in front of house. Don't know how she learned that. She can only hear the sounds. Even morning sun can get too hot in this part of Texas. She can identify our dogs barking outside. She ignores every other one. So you have a feathered welcome wagon.
I do think birds have excellent hearing. My macaw is not a squawker (rarely makes a sound), but he definitely perks up when he hears the electric garage door open and his dad is home!

If he hears people talking in another room, he runs through the house to be with his flock. There will be no conversation without him being involved!

He loves to sit in his outdoor cage and listen to the wild birds, fountain and wind chimes. Some bird calls freak him out a bit (hawk?), but the songbird sounds he seems to enjoy.

He can tune out sound when he is sleeping. His indoor cage is in our living room. It is dark in that room at night, but I have to walk past his cage to get from the kitchen and family room to the master bedroom. I walk past his cage at night and his head will be tucked into his back sound asleep. Sometimes I stand next to his cage and speak softly to him to let him know itā€™s meā€”and he completely ignores me, continuing to snooze uninterrupted. Maybe he is in a deep sleep or maybe he is hoping I would just go away! šŸ„“
Very good hearing.
Bella can hear my wife getting up long before I do..

When coming back from running errands I can hear them through the door before I get close.

And this isnā€™t hearing but when I take Bingo out for a drive he knows when we enter our neighborhood and starts getting excited.
My BOSS claims my U2 could identify my truck when I turned off the main road to my road. That is a quarter mile away and my truck isn't loud. Stock everything.
I can't move anywhere in the house without the CAG alerting even in the wee hours of the night. And trust me I'm dead quiet(at least for a mostly deaf person) to not wake the BOSS.
I wonder if they can differentiate things too. Blue says crackers over anything he considers to be a treat. He never says crackers when I am feeding him pellets, or chop. If I take out his pine nuts for training heā€™s screaming crackers. When I put different treats in his puzzle toy he always goes for the almonds first. If I could fit pecans in his spinning wheel heā€™d go for them first. The hazel nuts, Brazil nuts, and walnuts heā€™ll eat later.
I wonder if they can differentiate things too. Blue says crackers over anything he considers to be a treat. He never says crackers when I am feeding him pellets, or chop. If I take out his pine nuts for training heā€™s screaming crackers. When I put different treats in his puzzle toy he always goes for the almonds first. If I could fit pecans in his spinning wheel heā€™d go for them first. The hazel nuts, Brazil nuts, and walnuts heā€™ll eat later.
This is true. Hearing is first. As they hear treat wheel, cup , toy, etc head will turn. Then identifying begins. Sight is next to go to the exam and prioritize. It's fun to watch her rattle, roll the foraging toy.

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