Do GCC scream?


New member
Dec 10, 2012
1 Green Cheek Conure
I've read a lot of things that say Conures scream-is it the same with a Pyrrhura? I really want a Green Cheek, but my ears can be sensitive sometimes and I don't think my family is up for getting a loud bird. Regular chirping is fine, though, I know that owning a bird comes with some level of noise.
My gcc has a higher pitched call than my quaker but it is relatively soft. and is not offensive. Most of the time she is fairly quiet. I have stood next to a cage of sun conures at either Bush Gardens or Disney and they really hurt my ears. I could never live with one. My quaker is louder than my gcc and I don't think they would bother most people the gcc that is. and she is a real sweetheart. I think they are a very good choice:)
I call mine the car alarm! But GCC Seem to be more a "one note" screamer than a squawker like Sun's or Jenday's.

But she's a rescue, she screams if I clink a glass, run water the right way, run the vaccuum, if the microwave beeps. So I'm more the worst case scenario but MOST of the time she's quiet besides her little chirps and clucks.
My GCC has her good days and her bad days. Some days, she doesn't make a peep. Other days, I feel like I need ear plugs just to stay in the house. She usually only does that when she is feeling very needy, though.
We just got a GCC a few weeks ago. I read about them being loud but I was very surprised, ours is very quiet. She sleeps soundly thru the night too. I would call the noises she makes 'squeaks' and she only does it on occasion - it's cute, not loud or annoying! :)
Jasmine shouts loudly when she is scared - her alarm call is massively loud but that is only occasionally and a cuddle and reassurance stops her. She will also shout when she hears our car arrive home until we're in the house and saying hello. But on the whole she is fairly quiet.
We just got a GCC a few weeks ago. I read about them being loud but I was very surprised, ours is very quiet. She sleeps soundly thru the night too. I would call the noises she makes 'squeaks' and she only does it on occasion - it's cute, not loud or annoying! :)

A few weeks you say? She is still in the honeymoon stage. Give it a few months then we'll see if she is still quiet.

Maxx squawks a few times a day, not for very long and usually when he wants something.
Agree that the alarm call is ear splitting! Mine usually have their squawk fest at sunrise, sunset and when we eat dinner.
Special occasions are when the TV is loud, the dogs bark, the vaccums on or just when there's a lot of noise around them in general - they compete with the sound.
All that being said that, its completely tolerable for me, the dogs barking annoys me more and they're toy poodles!
My girl was really quiet for the first few weeks/month or so. Then she settled in. She can be loud, but her normal chirps are not bad. She does call for me when I leave the room, but we are working on it, and really it's not that bad. When she wants attention she says "doink", which is really cute and we 'doink' back and forth.
My girl was really quiet for the first few weeks/month or so. Then she settled in. She can be loud, but her normal chirps are not bad. She does call for me when I leave the room, but we are working on it, and really it's not that bad. When she wants attention she says "doink", which is really cute and we 'doink' back and forth.

That is great, if you teach your bird to say a word rather than scream when she is calling you, it is way more pleasant to the ear. :)
One word; Yes.

ALL bird species scream to some degree or another. There really is no such thing as a "quiet" bird unless you're talking a Budgie or Cockatiel and even those can get loud (though nowhere near the levels of say, a Moluccan Cockatoo). My GCC is not usually an obnoxious screamer, but there have been days where he just doesn't stop for whatever reason. It's high-pitched too.

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