Diesel is home!!!!!!!


New member
May 26, 2013
Tuakau, New Zealand
'Diesel' the Alexandrine
Diesel is HOME SAFE!!!!!!!!

We were out first thing this morning again pounding the pavement and looking for him, but thanks to some kind people who use a local website the 'Franklin Grapevine' website (Facebook) he has been found.

We thought the worst after the horrible weather in Auckland last night and we all didn't sleep much. My husband had been calling out his name this morning in a street two streets over from our house and the kind people noticed that when my hubby called out, the odd parrot they had just noticed that morning in their back yard trees was squawking back, so they yelled out to my husband.

After some tree climbing, patience, gentle familiar words and coaxing, he hopped onto a branch near me and eventually climbed up onto my shoulder.

He is hungry and tired and has been snuggling and snoozing with my hubby and preening non stop after his night out in the rain. But he is home :):eek: We will take him to the vet today for a check up, just in case.

Thanks also to 'Bertrisher' Trish and Terry, who were dead on the money, he was not far away and a bit scared, just sitting and waiting for us to come to him. Calling out familiar sounds really did the trick.

We have learnt valuable lessons as a result of this incident and realise how quickly it can go so terribly wrong. You think you know your bird, but ANYTHING can spook them, even things you do often every day with them as in this case. I have a newfound respect for parrots.


I'm so happy to hear this! I didn't even know until today that anything had happened, as I'd missed your thread, but I know how heartbreaking this must have been for you and your family!

I'm sure all will go well with the vet's appointment, but taking him for a check-up is a good idea. Give Diesel a scritch for me, and tell him not to go scaring his family like that again!
I am so glad you found Diesel. I saw this thread and had to backtrack. My family wishes you all the best to, I filled them in too sharing what happened. I hope he's well and all stays well.
WOW!!! Welcome back Diesel! I am thrilled Diesel is home! A vet check is a good precaution after Diesel's night out, but I just know he will be fine. I'm sorry you went through this scary ordeal, but so happy it's over and your baby is back where he belongs. Hugs to you and your family and extra skritches for your brave boy.
I am so glad Disel made it back safely! He looks like he will never leave your shoulder again after having to spend a night in the rain.
Welcome home Diesel. :)

So glad he was found and you were able to get him. I read your other post early this morning and felt instantly sick. So I can only imagine how you were feeling.

Bundii said to pass on happy squawks to Diesel. :D
Whew!! I'm so glad Diesel is home and safe. Good the neighbors were out, and it happened this way.
I missed the original thread too, but great news now :)
YESSSS!!! Well done, Kim! Oh, I can't tell you how happy I am that Diesel is safe at home again. I kept imagining how I'd feel if my Beakies had to spend a night out in the big wide world, all scared and alone. What a brave and sensible boy he is - you can be very proud of him, since his bond with you is so strong.

Celebrations at Parrotforums today! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Thanks ALL. We have had a celebration here as well. Diesel's vet visit went well, and the vet said he had lost no real conditioning.

He had a special dinner with roast pumpkin, silverbeet with a side of seed and cashews followed by peaches for dessert :09:. He gobbled it.

He is a little bit solemn and sleepy (so would I be if I'd been out in the rain in the dark NZ bush all night) and he's not his usual talky squawky self, but the vet said he just needs some rest and calmness for a few days. :)

This is absolutely the best news ever!!!! I don't think I have ever been so happy to see a post:) I thought about Diesel all day yesterday. I cannot even imagine how happy he was to be back home with y'all:)
Great news that he checked out at the vet as well!
So happy for you, he must have a guardian angel. After my Emmy's return I gave pedialite (dehydration for tots) and millet. She was good as new in 1 day. Blessings Bonita :rainbow1::green2:
Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!!! Thank goodness! Yayyyy :D :D :D :D :D Wow that is the best ever! :D
I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I know how absolutely gut wrenching it is to lose your baby. And you're definitely right - you think you know your bird, but all it takes is one misjudgment. I experienced the exact same scenario with Avery. She flew away and was incredibly close by and after hearing my calling she desperately squawked back to me.

I'm so glad Diesel is safe and sound in your arms again! SO GLAD! It's unfathomable how big of a void can be created in our hearts in the moments we think our babies are gone. Give my love and keep giving those extra treats to your boy!!!
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All your words are exactly right.
There is nothing that can explain how high your heart jumps into your throat and how desperate you feel.


All your words are exactly right.
There is nothing that can explain how high your heart jumps into your throat and how desperate you feel.



GREAT NEWS, one of my biggest fears is that one of them manages to fly away from me :/ so so happy that ure reunited :))
Another happy ending! Seems like the day for it...

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