Didn't go as planned...

Jeez Louise Jim, you and Amy have both been through hell and back lately, but I’m glad there was a positive outcome!

Is Amy being out on weight control regimen?

The good news is that there are clearly defined methods available to train her to accept syringe “feedings”. It’s success is directly tied to how much work you’re willing to put in but you can absolutely get her to a place relatively quickly where she will take meds from a syringe.
What a day! I’m glad Amy’s home with you and behaving like his normal self, and that it sounds like everything can be controlled with diet and meds. You got this, buddy.

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Jim, sorry to notice this so late; you and Amy have been through the ringer. I'm so happy to know Amy is back at home, with the security of an expert vet and diagnostic tests to find the very best solutions. You're an awesome dad and will be the key to Amy's improved health. Keep us updated, so many of us love Amy and your fellowship.

Not to be overlooked, congrats to the Beebs for improved blood tests!
This is agonizing! :( Still no call from the pharmacy in Arizona that's going to be taking care of Amy's meds,and no call from his CAV concerning the rest of results of the blood work..i'm not sure if she said it won't be until Friday...I dunno...I ferget at times :confused:..Old Timerz disease,yanno?? :o

I'll be riding my bike to the office by days end,to pay them the remainder of Amy's care bill and I'll ask questions then.

On a lighter side of all this..last night I played one of many lotto games CT has and found out this morning I won a G note! :D so at least that'll pay for all of the fid's work :p

Ok folks..went to see Doc Kristen. Of course she had the day off :o

They did have the final results for both fids,and of course it looks like they have been written in MARTIAN to me :confused:,so i'll need to talk to doc tomorrow.
I was told that just about everything was in the normal/good range for Amy,and for Beebs there is a couple things low. Wish I could desypher what all this stuff means.

I ended up getting the # for the pharmacy and calling them a few minutes ago.
I was told they were about to call me and "Amanda" had all the info right in front of her ;)
The med will be here in three to five days..DANG I cant remember the name of the @#$%! Old Timers once again!! I was told the dose will be ten ML once a day. Amanda said the bottle looks like it holds abouth three months worth of meds and Doc Kristen gave six refills. Refills are forty-seven smackers a refill :eek: ALMOST as high as some of mine!

Also picked up a bag of Roudytush medium sized pellets..PLEASE Amy..eat these!
Any suggestions on how to try to get green dino to at least try??:confused:

And Beebs..oh boy is he p.o. at me!:eek: I had to give him his meds and now when I try to skritch him he goes all postal on me :( Backs away from my finger/hand now,with his little beaky open as he GROWLS at me...with his hat way up in the air!
He's gonna untrust me now :31: :31:sighhh

Glad to hear the plan is falling into place. Changing diet and giving meds is far from easy, but you are motivated, Jim!

Might try these techniques from the Harrison's site. Should work regardless of the brand: Diet Conversion: Medium to Large Bird | Harrison's Bird Foods
Diet Conversion: Quick Tips | Harrison's Bird Foods

Have you tried mixing meds with small amounts of cooked cereal, such as oatmeal, cream of wheat, etc? Most of mine love the stuff, served cool. Check with the vet to see if mixing is OK, but haven't yet seen a disapproved med.
Glad to hear the plan is falling into place. Changing diet and giving meds is far from easy, but you are motivated, Jim!

Might try these techniques from the Harrison's site. Should work regardless of the brand: Diet Conversion: Medium to Large Bird | Harrison's Bird Foods
Diet Conversion: Quick Tips | Harrison's Bird Foods

Have you tried mixing meds with small amounts of cooked cereal, such as oatmeal, cream of wheat, etc? Most of mine love the stuff, served cool. Check with the vet to see if mixing is OK, but haven't yet seen a disapproved med.

That is a great idea Scott..TYVM :) Amy just loves a bit of flavored oatmeal ('nana)
Need to go shopping. It's time for more birdie muffins. Make a couple batches and give a couple to Salty tomorrow,so he can taste-test :p

No word from the CAV yet. If I don't hear anything I'll be calling by days end.
The pharmacy filled Amy's order and we should get it in three to five days.

Yesterday evening I took the green dino out for a ride in the car. He just LOVES riding! He sat on my shoulder as we went thru town,looking very alert and looking everywhere. He would have hung onto the steering wheel or sit on the dash board to get a better look out the windshield if I allowed him too lol.
We stopped at the local restaurant my brother goes to for dinner ( At times I meet up there with him also) He goes just about every night so the "regulars" and staff know him well! You know that tune.."where everybody knows your name" ;)

There weren't too many there and Amy joined us..I told Di, the server,that Amy is my "service bird":D She giggled and said OK.

Amy perched on the back of the chair next to me. She basically chewed/destroyed a couple crutons and polished off a couple buffalo wing bones my brother offered him.
The group of people behind us where very interested in Amy,asked all sorts of questions,and enjoyed and laughed when Amy said HELLO to them.
I thought it was cute too..because it was the first time amy has ever said hello to anyone when I asked him to lol " Say hi to the people Amy"...'HELLO!"

We stayed at least an hour and Amy was a perfect patron.

On the way home,he sat on my shoulder and gently nibble at my ear and beard :60: Amys way of saying ' THANKS DAD" :green:

Give it a try, Jim.... also good as a treat. I give them some oatmeal weekly partly because they love it, and also because it keeps an "opening" should they ever need oral meds.

Sounds like a great outing. Nice to see Amy back to his old self, enjoying seeing people and new situations!
:( I'm sorry to hear poor Amy will need to be on meds the rest of his life, but at least you've caught it while still treatable and he was in the vets office when he collapsed! Keep us updated on how he adjusts to daily meds.
AmyMyBlueFront said:
And Beebs..oh boy is he p.o. at me!:eek: I had to give him his meds and now when I try to skritch him he goes all postal on me :( Backs away from my finger/hand now,with his little beaky open as he GROWLS at me...with his hat way up in the air!
He's gonna untrust me now :31: :31:sighhh


I know what you mean Jim.
I had to give my Lucky medicine after he got that bloody nose.
I had never had to give my babies (Cockatiels) medicine for all the time I have had them (since 2001).
And Lucky..... Lucky has the most ..Attitude I guess would be the word I am looking for. He will step up for us (my whole family) but absolutely will not tolerate having anything but his feet touched by a human. It is totally beneath him. So when I had to towel him I thought he would never trust me again.

I think it took about a week before he was more/less able to let me pick him up to take him out of the cage.
Poor little guy.:yellow1:

Stay strong and do what ya gota do, you know it's for the best.;)
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...Yesterday evening I took the green dino out for a ride in the car. He just LOVES riding! He sat on my shoulder as we went thru town,looking very alert and looking everywhere. He would have hung onto the steering wheel or sit on the dash board to get a better look out the windshield if I allowed him too lol.
We stopped at the local restaurant my brother goes to for dinner ( At times I meet up there with him also) He goes just about every night so the "regulars" and staff know him well! You know that tune.."where everybody knows your name" ;)

There weren't too many there and Amy joined us..I told Di, the server,that Amy is my "service bird":D She giggled and said OK.

Amy perched on the back of the chair next to me. She basically chewed/destroyed a couple crutons and polished off a couple buffalo wing bones my brother offered him.
The group of people behind us where very interested in Amy,asked all sorts of questions,and enjoyed and laughed when Amy said HELLO to them.
I thought it was cute too..because it was the first time amy has ever said hello to anyone when I asked him to lol " Say hi to the people Amy"...'HELLO!"

We stayed at least an hour and Amy was a perfect patron.

On the way home,he sat on my shoulder and gently nibble at my ear and beard :60: Amys way of saying ' THANKS DAD" :green:


LOVED this story, Jim! So reassuring to see Amy out and about, enjoying dinner with his dad and entertaining his fellow diners. Please give him a few extra scritches from me.

And yes, Scott's idea should work like a charm. I know my ekkies go after oatmeal the way I do a good steak (which is VERY enthusiastically), so the meds should go down quite swiftly.
I just got the call from Doc Kristen. Amy's blood work came back fine :60:

BB's white blood cell count is low :( It should be 3.8 to 10.1.. Beebs was at 1.4 :o
The doc said it could be caused by the problem he is having with his poo.
She wants to see him again,after he is done with his meds.

Just got in from shopping. It's time for "The Muffin Man" to make more.

Sooooo the following is what will be going into them. Please comment! Is it too much?..Tell me what you think!

Okra chips radish
red/yellow/green pepper
pumpkin/flax seed sugar snap peas
honey oat granola broc
wheat bran strawberries
steel cut oats
corn meal
rolled oats
chia seed
wheat germ
hemp seed hearts
brown rice flour
one egg
honey ( for flavor)

blue berries


Crap!!! I forgot to ask what is up with Amy's lungs! :mad: :o

They are open until noon tomorrow..I'll be the first call they get!!


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