Deworming YES OR NO ???????


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
I have read many different conflicting theories whether a bird should be dewormed or not.
Browsing through many different sites etc.
Some are adamant they should, whilst others reckon they live in a clean environment, and need not be dewormed.
I am more confused than ever.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Take care
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Okay so today was the day.
Where I purchase Mishka's pellets I approached the store owner.
He has 45 years experience with parrots and is a breeder.
Asked him should a bird be dewormed.
He looked at me like I was crazy, I wanted to disappear instantly.
He said of course young lady (LoL I felt better already "young lady")
They are just like children, you have kids, did you deworm them?
This product is specifically for cage-bird use only.
Distributed by MEDPET here in South Africa.
Lets look after our loved ones.
Take care
I did not know birds had worms, what is a sign that they do? I have had trouble with Amos playpin water. He poops in it and probably drinks out of it because he doesn't want to walk all the way back to his cage for clean water. I got rid of the water but is this somehow how a bird would get worms? I am taking him to the vet soon, should I ask about that as well? He seems pretty healthy but I don't want him to drop dead one morning and not making his strange noises he makes. Still working on hello, it comes out a bit strange but I know he is trying.
An avian vet should look at the stool under a microscope first to see if the bird has worms. In fact, this would be for most animals. Antionette - were you told Mishka had worms?
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Ecclipse (Jess) sent me an e-mail asking how often I deworm Mishka, mentioned I never heard of a bird being dewormed.
Got me thinking, started browsing through the net.
Many conflicting theories, so confusing.
I agree an avian vet should look at the stool first.
Tomorrow I am going to call up one of our top avian vets, and ask his advise.
Will let you know !!!!!
Bye for now
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Hey Grithnir great to hear from you
While seeking answers about deworming, a few people mentioned the birds drinking water, pooping in the water then drinking it. Sounds gross to me yuck, but a bird is a bird. Even though being with Mishka almost 24/7, how would I be able to say whether she attempts to eat her droppings where ever they are.
Not sure at all what the signs would be.
Will inform you tomorrow after calling a top avian vet here is South Africa.
Great to hear Amos is trying to say hello, keep talking and talking, sure the sounds he is making he is trying to talk.
Take care
When I bought my Blue Fronted Amazon I made him an appt with the vet for a well bird check up. I took the big morning poop or the "pile" from during the night or early morning. They always checked the droppings with the microscope and in the 5 years that I had him, he never had anything. I must say that any bird that is not healthy or not in good feather could have parasites. It's worth the check up for the birds health and your's also.
I do gram stains, floats, and directs every day and have never seen parasites in a bird. Now I'm curious!!!!:green1:
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We are all confused. :green1:
Tomorrow Mishka is going for her check up, top avian vet here in South Africa.
Poor vet, so much I need to ask him. I will probably be his worst nightmare !!!
Will let you all know what he's reply is to deworming a bird.
PS. Any questions you would like me to ask him, please add, will do my best to assit.
Take care
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Deworming YES OR NO ???????
What a day...... so tired now.
Got an appointment at the vet today, travelled over 100km BUT it was so worth it.
What a fantastic friendly avian vet, so patient and what a love he has for birds.
Handled Mishka so gently, could swear they were best buddies. She just kept kissing him LoL :green1:
He examined her from A to Z. Said she is in excellent health, feather's arein great condition. Said I am doing an excellent job in clipping hers wings and trimming her nails.

Spoke to me about her diet, asked what she eats etc. He is happy with the pellets she is eating. Then gave me a big packet of Avi.Plus, Parrot maintenance, at no charge.
It's complete Extruded Diet for Parrots, containing proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Mentioned it is imported, but recommends it is the best.
Happy Mishka is eating fresh fruit and veggies daily.
Asked is she ever eats sunflower seeds, I told him she has never eaten them.
Was so happy no seeds, said it's best to avoid seeds at all cost.
I did a lot of research before becoming a guardian to parrots, read seeds have no nutritional value.
Asked what I give her for treats when training her. Told him plain popcorn and nuts.
Mentioned nuts are excellent for their diet. No harm in giving her popcorn as long as it's plain.
I asked should a bird be dewormed or not.
He said every bird should be dewormed once a year. Said many birds living in a cage together should be dewormed twice to three times a year. I asked what are the signs of worms in a bird. Mentioned, it's difficult to detect, sometimes they can be seen in the birds droppings. Some birds eat bits of their dropping without realizing what they are eating. Best take the bird for a check up, let them test the droppings under a microscope. If there are worms they could assist you. If not worms still deworm the bird.
He showed us the intestines of a cocktail that had had worms. I could not believe it, vesturing with worms, it was in a bottle. The cocktail had no chance at all.
Then he shocked me totally.
The cocktail belonged to a bird breeder.
He went over to her place, all the birds had worms. Most infected with worms were the Congo African Grey's. I was in tears.
He reported her, she was penalized, had to closed down and not allowed to continue breeding birds.
He mentioned that he had 24 birds in his care, people bringing in lost birds. He took pictures, gave out flyer's etc, and no one has come forward to claim them.
He complimented me, saying Mshka was one of the healthiest and calmest African Grey's he has ever examined. Happy to see someone, so caring and loving towards their bird.
We chatted for over two hours, the most interesting two hours I have ever experienced. We spoke about birds in general, exchanged experiences and knowledge.
THEN he surprised me..
Asked me how come I know so much about birds, Where do you find all the great tips, advise and knowledge about birds.....
I was bursting with joy and pride, told him I joined a parrot forum and mentioned the site. Said he is so proud of me, wishes many more people would take the time, gain vast amounts of knowledge before and after becoming a guardian to a bird.


When we got back into the car, my son Steven said Mom have you ever considered marrying again? I asked why? You should marry a avian vet. He said he has never seen two people so passionate about something ever LoL
Hope this info settles the confusion !!!!
Take care
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Aww.. it's truly wonderful to have a good avian vet to work with and get advice from. Tiki went to her vet app yesterday and was given a clean bill of health! I was thrilled. I had also asked about worms and he reccomended the same thing. Worming at least once a year.

You should totally marry that guy! :rainbow1:
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Oh yeah must mentioned the cocktail only weighed 120 grams.
Shaken not stirred, yuck.
It looked like Chinese noodles honestly.
Antionette: What a wonderful story of your vet trip. My question is about the worming. He said every bird should be dewormed once a year Is this statement meant just for SA or does it include other countries? My avain vet is a lady. Where I went they had 4 in an all avian vet practice known far and wide.

Mishka has a really parrot savy mom who cares so much.
Good going and congrats. on meeting a possible mate for you. Lol
He showed us the intestines of a cocktail that had had worms.... The cocktail had no chance at all.

A cocktail huh? With worms? Must have been made with tequilla. I prefer mine shaken not stirred, and no worms. But similarly they stand no chance at all.

OMG AD, sometimes I think I check in just to see your witty posts! I've been laughing for the last 20 minutes, my co-workers think I'm crazy!
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"He said every bird should be dewormed once a year "

He mentioned all birds, all over the world, all species.

He said they are just like children, and will always be children.

Asked me if I would rather be safe than sorry, and regret if for the rest of my life.
I purchased a deworming formula called MEDIWORM POWDER from a store where I purchase Mishka's pellets.
I showed the vet, he said it's a great deworming powder.
Tomorrow when I feed Mishka her cereal, I must mix half a teaspoon of the powder into the cereal, and feed it to her.
I still feed her the cereal through a syringe. Ever since hand rearing her,
I thought it's a great way to continue bonding with her.
Oh yeah, he was pleased I still feed Mishka the hand rearing cereal.
Said it's s good for them no matter what age.
About the syringe he gave me "High Five" and said, if ever I had to give Mishka any medication, she would be used to a syringe and not fight it.
You are a fantastic mom to Rosie and Christine, "HIGH FIVE" to you.
About a mate for me ??????? Mishka is my mate LoL
Take care my friend
Well that explains a lot. I am going to take little Amos to the vet in two weeks. Glad you had a fun time with the avian vet. Thanks for the information.
Oh yeah must mentioned the cocktail only weighed 120 grams.
Shaken not stirred, yuck.
It looked like Chinese noodles honestly.

Woosh! Auggie's dad was talking about a martini. An alcoholic beverage made from vodka which are often called cocktails!

Now if the cockatiel.... only weighted 120 grams thats sad :(
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The intestines in the bottle must have weighed at least 20 grams. :( not counting the worms.
I had nightmares last night LoL
Take care

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