Day #5 for Ripley (picture extensive)

Wendy, the first photo in your most recent set is in-focus. And, more importantly, it is astoundingly impressive!!! (especially since Ripley has only been there a few days! :)). I think it's a perfect Macaw kiss picture in fact!! But the other photos are quite amazing, too... and, I must say, the cages in the background are in perfect focus in those ;):D.

You have one wonderful bird there! :)

:o :o <blushes profusely> :o :o...and teary-eyed....

THANK YOU, Plax!!!

My heart truly skips a beat each and every time Ripley and I have moments like these...and those moments are QUITE words can really describe the's sort of like:

You have to feel it to really feel the depth of it all. :)
Oh, an avocado tree... Whoops. :o :o
Wendy looks like you got yourself a great birdie! Thought i would also add that Remington doesn't really like a lot of veggies unless i mix them in sweet potatoes/squash/scrambled eggs or oatmeal~ he also doesn't like pomegranates, mango or berries...i have tried many times but he won't eat them, so I guess I have a picky GW eater!
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awwwwwwwww my goodness!:32: he's such a handsome fella. i must say i am envious since i have joined the forums just to get more info on the gw's. ALOT of the people i have talked to have these guys. and it makes me sooooooo anxious to finally have one of my own. but seeing your pictures and reading the posts gets me going even more:30: im super excited. and ripley is a very lucky boy to have you as his mommy,:09: i can't help but to be a little jealous, but im sorry i just want to share stories and photos too with every body else. it is frustrating that i can't. soon enough i will and i will be flooding this place with them. :D i'm ecstatic for your new addition.

Heather, your time will come - NO doubt!!!! :D All I can say is: You can NOT go wrong with a GW. ;) Please don't be envious, just share in my joy. I never, not in a million years, thought I'd be in the position I am in right now at this particular time. Thank you for your kind words, too. :)

i think it would have been better to had said that i share the enthusiasm because it makes me that much more thrilled about them. they seem like a all around great large parrot for beginner monster parrot owners. monster meaning size wise not temperament wise. and you're welcome for the compliments. it makes me so humbled every time i see pictures and stories. it's like i can learn what it's like living with one personally, and not guessing off of what some web site tells me they are like. you can have the occasional sassy or a big ole red marshmallow fluff like their reputations make them out to be. or even clowns playing around with their silly antics. they seem like a really fun bird to have. :)
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I am amazed! Look at Ripley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Giving kisses ALREADY? You already have such an amazing bond after 5 days..

It was definitely meant to be, and you now have another best friend for life <3

Such an affectionate boy, give him some cuddles from me! :09:

If he goes missing, it just means he has come to live with Fargo and I :rolleyes:
Ripley is so adorable. Don't you just love the macaw kisses, they are so sweet. ;) As far as the piggy bird thing goes. It may just be a GW thing. Coby eats pretty much anything I give him and quite alot of it. He's a little piggy bird. :D:red1:
Those are tremendously beautiful pictures. I hope you don't mind I copied them to my computer to show others what a Greenwing really looks like. He is beautiful. My wife has reached her maximum macaw load limit of 3. BUT if I ever get another it will be a GW and his name will be Howard.
That is one mind-bogglingly beautiful bird. Congrats on the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
I love the photo of him fluffed up!

I say "cuddles" for my little Hahns when I give him head scratches. It's good to have a word that makes them forget everything and fluff up for you.

My friend's GW will sometimes play too rough and start nipping when he gets to excited, so you just say "cuddles" and he'll immediately calm down and fluff up for you so he can get his head scratch.
LMAO!!! :D There is no way anyone can understand what a GW is like til they bond with one. :) They are the "bomb"!!! Awesome how quickly he took to you as well, it was meant to be it seems. ;) Although I got ReaRea so very young, I could sense the bonding in progress which I think shows thru in many of her baby pics with me on the couch, completely relaxed and eyes closed. I'm very happy for you, just be careful you don't make others jealous, dealing with what appears to be a jealous GW ain't no fun. :rolleyes:
OMG that is definitely a match made in heaven
You two were meant to be together forever
So happy for you Wendy.... and Ripley

I absolutely love all those pics of Ripley & Wendy you are a beautiful gal. So stop that stuff about you in the pics with Ripley!!

Ya'll have a wonderful relationship & I am so happy for you finding the right GW so soon & it being the perfect match!

I understand the jealousy feelings as I have felt the same way many times looking at others GWs & wishing I had my own. I can honestly say it is a good jealousy, not the "I hate you for having one & I want yours" kind. Rather it is, "Oh I love your pics & I am so jealous I do not have a beauty like yours to love & put pics of my own up of".
Congrats on your GW baby. Such a wonderful story about how you got him. I can tell you really appreciate and am very grateful with having this bird in your life. I love the picture of you with your kissy lips and Ripley kissing you back. That is parrot love right there. I also really enjoy the floofy picture of Ripley.

I believe Ripley was meant to be your parrot. I love it when things like this go so very right.
Really cute pictures of you and ripley. Love those birdy kisses.and I JUST WANT TO HUG HIM HE IS SO CUTE:)

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