Danny is afraid to move around his cage...


New member
Apr 8, 2013
Redding, CA
TAG Spirit,RLA Danny,Senegal Damon, Parrotlet Opal, B&G Paris
So in the last 10 days I have really been watching Danny. I think he is afraid to move around his cage. He is still in the smaller cage while I get the new one cleaned up. He sits on one perch and does not move. I had noticed his pop was getting dry looking and picked up his water cup and offered it to him. He drank like he was a camel. I gave his breakfast up near that perch today and he dug into it.
So how to get him to move around...
Do step ups using sticks.
Put him back in the cage on the floor so he has to climb.
Any other ideas?
How about clicker training? You can start when he is out of the cage. Click when he touches the target stick and treat! Then get him moving a bit to different locations, click and treat! Once he is doing well at it, start the same game in the cage.
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We have started CTing. He is still at the "Are you sure that stick will not bite" and learning when there is a click he gets a treat. We are also still working out wait tastes good and what he will really like.
How long have you had him now? Is it 10 days or more? When I brought one of my 2s home she stayed in one spot and barely moved for awhile. She eventually warmed up and got brave. My rehomed zon did this also [he was really quiet ,stayed in one spot ,barely played with toys . Now Ive had him 4 months and hes a terror with his toys ,even plays on his back and is loud as hell! I think hes pretty happy for a 30 plus year old bird. I bet yours is just trying to figure things out.[I dont remember his story]

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