Dancin' On the Ceilin'! A tale told by Poppy

Awww Scott! Thank you, I think you're pretty great too. :) Your years of experience with your wonderful flock of Toos is highly appreciated! Thank you for generously sharing your hard earned first hand knowledge, always with eloquence and genuine empathy.

101 Dalmatians clearly makes my point. If I'm not mistaken you have one of those beautiful creatures? What are they like, I've only ever met a few? A lot of us remember Baretta and even more remember Beethoven and all the others. No doubt rescues where filled a few months after each of those shows aired.

Thank you Alllee! Toos and their owners need all the support they can garner!!

Don't have a Dalmation, but I do see a neighbor walking a male periodically. Seems like a really nice companion.
I feel silly! I was sure I had read in a post somewhere that you were a Dalmatian dad. Lol, I promise not to think less of you.
I feel silly! I was sure I had read in a post somewhere that you were a Dalmatian dad. Lol, I promise not to think less of you.

Great Dane, medium Schnauzer, and Brussels Griffon. All three (and their predecessors) from either public shelters or rescues.
I feel a little less silly! I just got my breeds confused, a Great Dane, a Schnauzer and a Griffon, and second generation. I knew you were a great guy! :) Now we need photos!


I think Willow has been taking lessons from Poppy.
No doubt about it, Poppy and Willow have been talking! Obviously the best place to be is next to the ceiling, they can oversee their kingdoms better from that vantage point. Heaven help us.

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