(DALLAS TX) Very dire & urgent need of new home for budgies!

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We are trying to help.
But your only viable options don't seem to be an option to you. So unfortunately you have to be patient.
Sorry I'm not closer. I would take them to rehome them.
I understand, and I am being as patient as I can be, it's just the budgies are not happy here at all anymore so they aren't doing so well :(
I sincerely appreciate everyone's assistance on the matter and I honestly hope I can get a reply from the people that are being reached out to. Thank you all, again.
Honestly, not sure what you mean by saying not doing well... But if something is wrong call a local vet and ask if you can relinquish them. Or animal control.
Or place an ad on craigslist and call your local police and explain the situation and ask them to help with the transfer.
If the birds are at risk for whatever reason call your local animal control. They'll pick them up and won't pass judgement.
If the birds are at risk for whatever reason call your local animal control. They'll pick them up and won't pass judgement.

I was going to say this, you just beat me to it. :09: I agree 100% If the animals are not doing well, they may need medical attention. If you can not afford it or seek it then what other option is there? really?
.....Well, thanks now I feel like you're all jumping down my throat which is honestly not what I need right now. I am in a very stressful situation and I'm trying to do the right thing here. "Not quite right?" I'm honestly a little offended and this is exactly why I try to stay away from places like this. Often times I get on sites like this and am looked at as if I'm just an irresponsible pet owner of some form. I am perfectly capable of taking care of and keeping an eye on my animals' health, and I was reaching out to this website in hopes of finding them an even healthier home than what I can provide them right now and will be able to in the future. I'm not neglecting their health. In fact, I'm trying to boost it. I'm trying to find them a more loving home than what I will be able to provide. Is that too much to ask? They're perfectly fine birds. It's just they are very, very loud due to us not being able to give them proper attention all the time. There is nothing wrong with them otherwise. Please don't assume (which it seems all of you just now have) that just because I worded it like that that means the birds are sick. They have a good appetite, good energy, and good behavior other than just being unhappy from lack of attention. That's all I meant. :/
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.....Well, thanks now I feel like you're all jumping down my throat. "Not quite right?" I'm honestly a little offended and this is exactly why I try to stay away from places like this. I am perfectly capable of taking care of my animals' health, and I was reaching out to this website in hopes of finding them an even healthier home than what I can provide them right now and will be able to in the future. I'm not neglecting their health. They're perfectly fine birds. It's just they are very, very loud due to us not being able to give them proper attention all the time. There is nothing wrong with them otherwise. Please don't assume that just because I worded it like that that means the birds are sick. They have a good appetite, good energy, and good behavior other than just being unhappy from lack of attention. That's all I meant. :/

No one is jumping down your throat. I see many people trying to give you different options. I know how sensitive and upsetting this must be for you, and sometimes its hard to convey feeling through text. Rest assured no one is judging you. I was wondering if you had a friend or two who could each take one bird, maybe permanently or at least until you can find a more permanent solution? Is that a possiblity?
.....Well, thanks now I feel like you're all jumping down my throat which is honestly not what I need right now. I am in a very stressful situation and I'm trying to do the right thing here. "Not quite right?" I'm honestly a little offended and this is exactly why I try to stay away from places like this. Often times I get on sites like this and am looked at as if I'm just an irresponsible pet owner of some form. I am perfectly capable of taking care of my animals' health, and I was reaching out to this website in hopes of finding them an even healthier home than what I can provide them right now and will be able to in the future. I'm not neglecting their health. In fact, I'm trying to boost it. I'm trying to find them a more loving home than what I will be able to provide. Is that too much to ask? They're perfectly fine birds. It's just they are very, very loud due to us not being able to give them proper attention all the time. There is nothing wrong with them otherwise. Please don't assume (which it seems all of you just now have) that just because I worded it like that that means the birds are sick. They have a good appetite, good energy, and good behavior other than just being unhappy from lack of attention. That's all I meant. :/

Definitely not. Just be in my shoes... Every option I've given you you have shot down.

You can call animal control or a local vet and tell them the birds are no longer a good fit and could they please pick them up and adopt them out. This may be your best option, they will do the screening etc.
Please be in my shoes as well. I came to this site in a pretty vulnerable situation hoping someone could give them a better home. I don't think animal control is going to be of much help and the police have more pressing matters than helping to find a home for my 3 budgies, but if you can prove me wrong please do. I once called the animal control here because there was a barking dog in a hot car at night with the windows cracked barely, but was told that there was nothing they could do because the windows were still cracked. That dog could've gotten seriously hurt from the heat despite there being a window down or not. I doubt that these same people are going to help me find a good, loving home for bird you "can just get a regular old pet store for 15 dollars."

We have no car and are limited on where we can go. We have no family near us or friends near us that can take or help these birds. I want(ed) to see them go to a good home. I didn't realize it was going to be this stressful. This is the last thing I need right now. :/
Please be in my shoes as well. I came to this site in a pretty vulnerable situation hoping someone could give them a better home. I don't think animal control is going to be of much help and the police have more pressing matters than helping to find a home for my 3 budgies, but if you can prove me wrong please do. I once called the animal control here because there was a barking dog in a hot car at night with the windows cracked barely, but was told that there was nothing they could do because the windows were still cracked. That dog could've gotten seriously hurt from the heat despite there being a window down or not. I doubt that these same people are going to help me find a good, loving home for bird you "can just get a regular old pet store for 15 dollars."

We have no car and are limited on where we can go. We have no family near us or friends near us that can take or help these birds. I want(ed) to see them go to a good home. I didn't realize it was going to be this stressful. This is the last thing I need right now. :/

Then your only other options is either craigslist, and let the people come to you, or just take them back and explain your circumstances. I am sure they will take them.
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Ok good luck then. I've given you several suggestions.
And yes if you explained in these words any of the people/authorities that are near you would take them for you.
I am half a country away and can only offer viable solutions.
Let's get back to trying to find these little guys a nice new home. :)

Please... No more passing judgement on this thread. Thanks.
I am sorry if it seemed tht way.
I wasn't and am not.

My suggestions were ones I would give any friend that needed to rehome a pet that wasn't working out.

So I was focused on the OPs thread. I am sorry that my three suggestions weren't appropriate for her but I'm out of ideas so I wished her luck.
I am so sorry that you've found yourself in this situation. We all know that sometimes life just "happens", but it does not necessarily prepare us when it happens to us. It seems to me that you love these budgies very much and you are hoping to have at least some say in where they end up... hence your hesitation in getting them to a birdstore (aside from the additional lack of a car issue), giving them up to Animal Control, surrendering them to a vet, or putting them up on CL (where people are more likely to misrepresent themselves and their situations than they are here.)

I assume that, after perusing this site, you figured you'd stumbled upon a forum filled with people who care deeply for their birds and would be more likely to provide your beloved budgies with the kind of forever home that you, in your heart, know that they deserve.

My heart goes out to you and your circumstances, as well as to your birds. Please hang in there and give Julie (RavensGryf) time to check around. Also, we do have quite a few members who live around your area and might not yet have seen this thread. Please don't despair. Hopefully something can be worked out.
Very much so. Thank you. :) I do hope they can find a better home than what we are providing them with currently. The guilt runs pretty deep for me right now. These birds deserve better than just being handed off to a place where I won't even hear about them again. They really are caring birds, so they deserve the effort. I will care for them as best I can in the mean time. I really just want them to go to a good home where they will have more freedom and happiness. :(
Very much so. Thank you. :) I do hope they can find a better home than what we are providing them with currently. The guilt runs pretty deep for me right now. These birds deserve better than just being handed off to a place where I won't even hear about them again. They really are caring birds, so they deserve the effort. I will care for them as best I can in the mean time. I really just want them to go to a good home where they will have more freedom and happiness. :(

I'm sorry your feeling so bad. Re-homing my sennie was agony for me. So I can understand where your coming from. How long have you had these birds? I don't remember if you said there ages or not. There are good people on here working to help your situation. I am sure it will all work out for the best. Good luck!
I unfortunately never got their exact ages from where I originally bought them from, but I know they were within selling ages. We got them young, but not super young. We've had our oldest for 3 years, the next for about 2 years, and our youngest we have only had for several months. So they aren't senior birds (that I'm aware of) but they aren't super young either. I had a hard time getting them to cooperate and letting me read their leg band, so I gave up trying to read it...
UPDATE: Someone nearby with a parakeet aviary adopted them today. Thank you all very much for your help.
UPDATE: Someone nearby with a parakeet aviary adopted them today. Thank you all very much for your help.

Thank you so much for updating us! It is always tough on everyone when someone has to give up their babies!
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