Cuteness :)

I hear you on that! Conures really have beautiful wings. I love those long, slender feathers and all the colors they have on them.

Last time we were at the vet, the assistant said, "My goodness, what a pretty, shiny bird!" And I said yes, I tell her that all the time! Of course I'm biased about my baby, but compliments are always nice:) I want to see Pete get more of that as his nutrition is vastly improved now compared to his previous life.
Do you have any pictures of your birds? I can't really see Pete on your avatar :(
My computer seems to not let me post them through any method on here, not even from photobucket! i can post them on like every other forum though. I'll give you some photobucket links. Rowdy only has one on there though. She is hard to photograph due to her constantly changing activities! I snap the picture and get one of her back as she is running to something else, lol! I do have one though on photobucket where she stopped moving for a few seconds.

I also had a ton of pics of Rowdy on my old computer and lost them all when the computer died suddenly. There were a lot of funny ones on there:54: My fault for not backing them up.

birds021.jpg picture by roxynoodle - Photobucket
birds022.jpg picture by roxynoodle - Photobucket
Merlin6.jpg picture by roxynoodle - Photobucket

I tried uploading an album on here yesterday, and that didn't work either.
Are your birds flighted, Roxy? I loved the picture of Pete with his tail feathers splayed and Ms. Merling is a beautiful bird :) I like how green Rowdy is. I've never seen a Nanday before lol
Rowdy and Merlin are flighted. Pete is getting his wing feathers now. His previous owner clipped him right before he came to live with me. I don't know if he was always clipped or not, so maybe he doesn't know how to fly? I guess we will find out. His new wing feathers are dark blue like Rowdy's:)

What is hard to see on that pic of Rowdy is her red feathers on her legs. I like that turquoise area on her chest, and her wing and tail feathers go from green to navy.
It seems that by changing from Mozilla Firefox to Google Chrome I just solved my pic posting problem. I just managed to post one in the testing area of the forum, yay! Firefox crashed altogether for me tonight. That's fine with me as it was being so problematic!
Glad you've got something useful! This means you'll have to post loads of bird pics of course :P

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