Count to 1,000,000


Is that Natalie and Veronica?
Sorry if I'm wrong, I haven't read PL in a while
Thanks :)
Yeah they're them.
"original" PL is already finished but this sucks so much, so I don't even recommend reading this 😅

I'm gonna go read it right now!
Believe me, this sucks, I even was thinking about blocking it for most people

I'll finish this one tomorrow

I read it! I loved it!

Cute drawing too

What are you doing rn?
going to bed soon

For some reason, playing a game and chatting with you reminds me of...
A few months ago...
When I was newer here...
Idk why
Maybe because in the past we were playing more
Long time no see, everyone!

How are Sprite, Marshmallow, Chili, Chumly, the chickens, and the fish doing?
it looks like Inko disapeared again :/
Help, it looks like I'm bored - why did I start looking how my characters would like in opposite colors?
It's so creepy
How are Sprite, Marshmallow, Chili, Chumly, the chickens, and the fish doing?
I missed you too!
Sprite and Marshmallow are both doing great. They're 2 years old now, which is crazy, and their second Gotcha Day is coming in December. I recently starting trying to teach Sprite the play basketball, which has been fun. We're not quite there yet, but I'm sure she'll get the hang of it soon. Marshmallow just likes to watch and then steal millet every time Sprite gets a reward, lol.
Chili is doing fantastic too. I went away for a few days in October, and I took Chili with me. He claimed the hotel room as his palace, and definitely made himself at home there. I think he really enjoys traveling, which is great, because that means I can take him with me on trips in the future.
I have some sad news about Chumly though. He unfortunately passed away back in April. He was very old (we think probably around 8 or 9), but it was still a shock, as it happened very suddenly. I still miss him every day, but I'm glad I was able to give him a really nice last year in a home where he was loved and well cared for.
My betta, Mooki, also passed away, back in August. He was almost 5, which is old for a betta, and I could definitely see that he was declining for a while. But he was still comfortable and happy until the end. I still miss him a lot though.
The other fish are all doing good. I plan on hopefully rescaping my 20g community tank, and then maybe adding some new fish soon.
The chickens are all good too. I hatched 4 beautiful chicks back in May, which was a really cool experience. Two of them turned out to be boys, so I unfortunately had to give them away to a sanctuary. But I kept the two girls, who have since grown into beautiful young ladies, named Pebbles and Vivi. They are absolutely precious, and they still love to be held and cuddled.
The older ladies and gents are all molting at the moment, so they're not too happy. But other than that, they're doing fine.

How are all your birds doing?

it looks like Inko disapeared again :/
No I didn't! I'm just very busy lately, so I can't check in as much.


I missed you too!
Sprite and Marshmallow are both doing great. They're 2 years old now, which is crazy, and their second Gotcha Day is coming in December. I recently starting trying to teach Sprite the play basketball, which has been fun. We're not quite there yet, but I'm sure she'll get the hang of it soon. Marshmallow just likes to watch and then steal millet every time Sprite gets a reward, lol.
Chili is doing fantastic too. I went away for a few days in October, and I took Chili with me. He claimed the hotel room as his palace, and definitely made himself at home there. I think he really enjoys traveling, which is great, because that means I can take him with me on trips in the future.
I have some sad news about Chumly though. He unfortunately passed away back in April. He was very old (we think probably around 8 or 9), but it was still a shock, as it happened very suddenly. I still miss him every day, but I'm glad I was able to give him a really nice last year in a home where he was loved and well cared for.
My betta, Mooki, also passed away, back in August. He was almost 5, which is old for a betta, and I could definitely see that he was declining for a while. But he was still comfortable and happy until the end. I still miss him a lot though.
The other fish are all doing good. I plan on hopefully rescaping my 20g community tank, and then maybe adding some new fish soon.
The chickens are all good too. I hatched 4 beautiful chicks back in May, which was a really cool experience. Two of them turned out to be boys, so I unfortunately had to give them away to a sanctuary. But I kept the two girls, who have since grown into beautiful young ladies, named Pebbles and Vivi. They are absolutely precious, and they still love to be held and cuddled.
The older ladies and gents are all molting at the moment, so they're not too happy. But other than that, they're doing fine.

How are all your birds doing?

No I didn't! I'm just very busy lately, so I can't check in as much.
Thanks for the update! My birbs are doing great :)
I'm sorry about Mooki and Chumly <3

Np. I hope you're doing ok ❤️

Bonus pic:
Screenshot 2022-08-22 11.53.23 AM.png

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