corn tortillas


New member
May 22, 2015
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yakima, wa
I have a beautiful 4 year old brown throated conure named Charlie. Just bought him on April 18 2015
I was eating corn tortillas with my ford and my birdie was watching me eat so I gave him a little piece and he really liked it but is it ok for him to eat corn tortillas or flour ones.
Tortillas are fine, just don't give him too much. For a bird his size, maybe a quarter sized piece (as in the coin, not a quarter of a tortilla lol!)? All good things in moderation:)
Lol yeah he would never finish that & great he really likes it and the piece I gave him was about the size of my thumb nail :)
Buddy MUST have some taco when we are eating them. We use corn tortillas. He has even just run up to me when I'm biting the taco and he starts eating my taco making all kinds of happy sounds. Half the time it's not that he's hungry, he's just joining the fun and leaves a shower of shredded tortilla on me.

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