Conures mating sideways


New member
Dec 7, 2014
I am the proud owner of 2 conures..a female green cheek and a pineapple. They are a bonded pair and do mate but the green does not produce eggs,could their mating pattern be a factor.
I always thought that birds got on top of their partner and mated while on the hens back. My pineapple does it on the side..its weird and I don't know it he is getting full penetration because she hasn't produced any eggs yet.
I have a box on the side of their cage which they can enter into from inside of cage. But they have no interest in it...
They are of mating age but when will I ever see an egg or perhaps never??
Even if he was not achieving successful copulation, she should still be laying.

How old are they?
Are they DNAd as a male and female?
I am the proud owner of 2 conures..a female green cheek and a pineapple. They are a bonded pair and do mate but the green does not produce eggs,could their mating pattern be a factor.
I always thought that birds got on top of their partner and mated while on the hens back. My pineapple does it on the side..its weird and I don't know it he is getting full penetration because she hasn't produced any eggs yet.
I have a box on the side of their cage which they can enter into from inside of cage. But they have no interest in it...
They are of mating age but when will I ever see an egg or perhaps never??

Some birds in nature have strange ways, but in the end it all works out beautifully.
take the eagle, they climb several thousand feet into the air and free fall mating. Hope they get it done before they smack the ground.
Please reconsider even allowing them to nest. Raising baby parrots is a huge responsibility, and not one to be undertaken without huge amounts of research and preparation.
And to be honest, very few birds "penetrate". They rub cloacas, and that's generally all it takes. If they aren't DNA sexed, there's still a high possibility you have two males or females just partaking in sexual release, it's not uncommon.

Egg laying is something to be very cautious of. Make sure you have an avian vet you can take your birds to, that your actual DNA sexed female is receiving the calcium she needs, and to watch for egg binding or potentially poor parents. Just because they can breed doesn't mean they'll care to raise the young, so be prepared.
Well, that's what happens when you leave your copy of the Kama Sutra lying around. :D TANTRIC CONURES!

My little dusky and Jenday went at it all the time in the 4-5 years I had them, but never laid any eggs.

We were always figuring they would one day given their level of activity... but Nope!
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Certain species mate "side by side", not with the male mounting the female....

Just because you have a pair doesn't mean that they'll mate.

Just because they mate doesn't mean that there will be eggs. (two males or two females have been known to mate together, as well!)

Just because there are eggs doesn't mean that the eggs will be fertile.

Just because the eggs are fertile doesn't mean that the chicks will survive or that the parents will be good parents.

So many things could go wrong... breeding birds should not be taken lightly.
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Thank you everyone for your encouraging words person asked if they were dna'd sexed and yes they were..
I also put nesting box in cage and they just sorta ignore it..
But still going at it in there sideways manner..
I have hand reared baby cockateils and enjoyed doing so but did so want a baby conure to rear.But al i can do is wait and hope someday I have me a fertile egg..

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