Conure sleeps with head backwards and feather fluffed up.


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Jul 24, 2017
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Hello all, owner of a new bird here. Just wanted to check that this was normal. He's been sleeping with his head backwards and feathers fluffed/puffed. He's already been to an avian vet for a full physical and says he's fine.

Totally normal. They're weirdos

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Welcome to the forum. What your bird is doing is very normal (despite looking quite painful to us less flexible humans who's heads don't turn that way:D). This is a sign your bird is comfortable enough in his new home to really curl up and not worry about threats eating him while he sleeps.
that's the second most secure way they sleep. The most secure is when they sleep on their backs and give their owners heart attacks!
yep that's exactly it. I'm thankful that Rio didn't like doing that. He would play on his back though. I couldn't imagine just walking in and seeing that in the cage
yep that's exactly it. I'm thankful that Rio didn't like doing that. He would play on his back though. I couldn't imagine just walking in and seeing that in the cage

OMG. I wouldn't be able to handle it. The poor bird would die of fright when I screamed its name in terror until it moved. Which it wouldn't since it had just died of fright.

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Oh my. I think I'd have a heart attack if I saw my bird laying on his back! Future bird.
Adore the three little brats LOL. Heart in mouth when saw then asleep OMG!
Dorothy sometimes takes her naps in that position. But have to admit first time
I saw her like this thought was dead, never seen a parrot sleeping this way before


  • IMAG0154.webp
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The Rbird slept on his back sometimes until he became a rooster at about age 3-4...
He has never tucked his head backwards. Conures... go figure!

I do LOVE those pictures, and yes, they are horrifying. Horrifying and adorable. Conures!
yep that's exactly it. I'm thankful that Rio didn't like doing that. He would play on his back though. I couldn't imagine just walking in and seeing that in the cage

OMG. I wouldn't be able to handle it. The poor bird would die of fright when I screamed its name in terror until it moved. Which it wouldn't since it had just died of fright.

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yup. Worse is seeing them having fallen from their perch onto a fluffed up towel with their head down and their tail straight in the air stuck in the corner.

I don't think I've ever screamed that loud in my life
Must be a conure thing, never seen a zon sleep on it's back like that!

Interesting note- look closely and you'll see in these pics all these birds still have one foot instinctively curled up despite sleeping on their backs:D

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