Conure Plucking


New member
Aug 29, 2016
Cinnamon Conure
Hey guys. I think I've noticed that my conure has been plucking at his feather in the crease right under his wing. Saw the bald spot while he was bathing a couple of weeks ago so I've been trying to figure out how to solve this problem.

I've adjusted so that 90% of his food comes from foraging means, by dispersing his food through layers of cut up strips of paper for him to dig around through. He doesn't eat any seeds, and most of his diet is made up by pellets. He is also regularly eating veggies and fruits, but I think he might not be eating as much of that as he should be. I find he often takes a couple bites and gets bored.

I'm struggling with finding toys that interest him. Maybe something simpler and home made would be better? I find he doesn't touch much of the parrot/bird toys I have for him. I've tried all sorts of different ones. Does anyone have any suggestions of a toy that really won their conure over? Especially if they were shy towards toys previously?

I'm afraid he just isn't getting stimulated enough due to his disinterest in the toys. Whenever I am home he is with me and on my shoulder and hanging out, but I worry about him while I am at work/class, if he can't adapt to some solo play I'm afraid he is going to continue with the plucking.

Do you have advice? Tips? How have you helped birds recover from plucking behaviour?
If your conure is not flighted, or he is harness trained, why not take him toy shopping. I take Salty to the local pet stores and we peruse the toy section , going slowly so he can look at each toy . If he shows interest, I buy it. It hasn't missed yet. Before it was very much hit and miss, and i wound up giving a number of toys away.
Please take him to the vet and get blood work done as well as gram stains and parasite check.

How much sunlight does he get?

How often does he get a bath?

How big is his cage?

How much attention does he get?

Is there anything in his environment that frightens him?

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Please take him to the vet and get blood work done as well as gram stains and parasite check.

How much sunlight does he get?

How often does he get a bath?

How big is his cage?

How much attention does he get?

Is there anything in his environment that frightens him?

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Yeah I will be going into the vet. He's had some trouble with sneezing before, but after meds that seemed to go away. But there might be something I'm missing.
- He gets lots of natural light in the daytime since he is in a windowed room; though He's not stuck under hot rays of sun for periods of time.
-I generally offer him a bath every day, sometimes he is not interested. So I'd say probably every other day he bathes.
- He's got a big cage, as big as I can afford at this point. It's wide for him to fly horizontally if he wants, and fairly deep.
-Pretty constant attention unless I am at work or school. Which is morning/afternoon of mondays and wednesdays. Otherwise he is always with me when I am home.
-I'm not sure about that.. not that I can think of. He hasn't really shown much enjoyment or interest in the toys but I don't know if that is scary to him. He seems very content when he is in his cage, unless i've just gotten home and he runs around wanting to come out.
There are may helpful stickies and threads on plucking here... just use the SEARCH tab...
Good luck.
Welcome, and I'm glad you found us.
I would just like to ask whether you definitely know that this is plucking. As you noticed this when he was having a bath his feathers would have been saturated with water and there fore when he moved his wings the feathers were pushed out of the way and as they were we they stuck in the position hence a supposed bald/plucked spot. A photo of your baby would be very helpful thanks. I hope you find out what is happening with your baby soon. Good luck :):green2:. Btw this is just an idea and I could be wrong.
Just a side note; the windows block the UV rays that birds need in order to process certain nutrients. It's important for them to get UNFILTERED sunlight :)

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