conure nose discharge or from toy?

So glad it washed off!!! As things would be a lot more serious with erosion into beak!!
Definitely try fir avain vet, many of have to drive more than hour, and up to 3 to get to an avain vet. But they are worth it.

I'm not trying to make you panic. And I have no idea whats going on with your bird since I'm not there, and they hide illness..

Its just with having sick birds im more sensitive. And that I had a bird playing with me took some treats, came back and found dead in bottom of cage, sinus infection...never acted sick at all. Had one drop of liquid at nose the day before.
And I'm nit the only one to loose a bird this way. And every person who has come here with symptoms in their bird, ends up having a very sick bird when they get it to the vet.

So better safe than sorrow, right?
I hope everything is great, but I just worry with sneezing and weird crusty stuff on beak.
If you have to drive an hour or so, seeing an avian vet is worth it. If you have any parrot rescues etc, ask what vet they use. Sometimes a zoo vet will also see parrots.
So glad it washed off!!! As things would be a lot more serious with erosion into beak!!
Definitely try fir avain vet, many of have to drive more than hour, and up to 3 to get to an avain vet. But they are worth it.

I'm not trying to make you panic. And I have no idea whats going on with your bird since I'm not there, and they hide illness..

Its just with having sick birds im more sensitive. And that I had a bird playing with me took some treats, came back and found dead in bottom of cage, sinus infection...never acted sick at all. Had one drop of liquid at nose the day before.
And I'm nit the only one to loose a bird this way. And every person who has come here with symptoms in their bird, ends up having a very sick bird when they get it to the vet.

So better safe than sorrow, right?
I hope everything is great, but I just worry with sneezing and weird crusty stuff on beak.

I found a vet 35 mins from here thankfully. His appointment is for Wednesday pending nothing crazy happens with the weather.
As for Yoshi so far today no sneezing at all which is great. I will keep an eye on him all day and tonight since thats when I noticed the sneezing.
As far as trying not to make me panic, no harm done. I like having as much info as I can and like you said better safe than sorry. I completely get it . I'm glad you mentioned a lot of the stuff you did. Its why I come to these forums, you get good advice from people who understand our love for birds.
If you have to drive an hour or so, seeing an avian vet is worth it. If you have any parrot rescues etc, ask what vet they use. Sometimes a zoo vet will also see parrots.

Appointment made for this Wednesday about 35 mins from here. Thanks for your help and advice :). I will be sure to include updates on Yoshi.
Sounds great! Keep us updated @
If you live someplace cold. Move cage away from windows and on to an interior wall.

Warmth really helps sick birds.

This is a link to the radiant heat or infrared heat panel I use. Hold your hand a few inches in front and wait till yiu see how warm hand gets and adjust distance, it can out off a lot if heat, so I set back and off to one side.
I'm sure there are other things out there, but this is what I know and use and know works and is safe.
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**Update on Yoshi**
. I took him to the doctor this past Wednesday. The doctor told me besides him being a very sweet boy she didnt think there was anything wrong with him and that he was a healthy bird. She didn't believe he was sick but probably effected by the air quality in the house possibly, check to see if his cage was dusty and to look for things that could be causing this. She even mentioned it could be the weather to the since i live in NJ and its been in the 20s outside, the heat is always on ( they are safe for birds) but at night time it does get quite chilly where he is. My job is to monitor him. So of course I was elated to hear that he was a healthy bird now to figure out what is causing him to sneeze.

For now he’s been good, besides one day where it looked like his right nostril was runny, like if we were outside for too long in the cold. He was also completely fine the rest of that day. What I’ve done is get an extra cover for his cage incase he was possibly cold and as i said its been 5 days and only one day his nose had something. Would a humidifier possibly help him if the air quality isn’t great? I will continue to check on him right now its just trying to figure out what could be causing this.
I use a humidifier when things get dry.

So glad was vet checked. Yoshi does seem to be in excellent body condition. I do urge you to have a digital scale and weigh him weekly.

I'm not a vet. But a cloudy /milky discharge from the nostril is not normal. Did they swab nostrils or mouth for culture, cytology?
I use a humidifier when things get dry.

So glad was vet checked. Yoshi does seem to be in excellent body condition. I do urge you to have a digital scale and weigh him weekly.

I'm not a vet. But a cloudy /milky discharge from the nostril is not normal. Did they swab nostrils or mouth for culture, cytology?

I bought a thermometer and the temp is around 70-75 daily and the humidity is around 25%. When I first got it it was around 17-18%. The humidifier should for sure help him, even us honestly lol. He’s never had that cloudy/ milky discharge coming out of his nose (thank god) it’s clear and reminds me of us if we went outside in the cold and our nose began to run. I’ve seen that once since he’s been to the vet. Even that day I’ve seen it his mood never changed.
I urge caution and observations. Burds don't show mood change or symptoms unless near death and sometimes not even then. Im so glad you had him checked out by the vet. An avain veterinarian that had hands on exam, obviously knows more about your burd health than I do. And I'm not saying he is sick. His eyes are bright and clear, radiant feathers, and good body condition, all excellent.

But I'm still going to share my experience. Birds respiratory system are different than us, Burds aren't big mucus makers.
This is a past quote from a member I'm going to share.

" Join Date: Dec 2011
Thanks: 678
Thanked 976 Times in 836 Posts
roxynoodle is on a distinguished road
Re: Runny nose
Pete and Merlin sneeze more than Rowdy, but they are very dusty and I think sometimes their own dander gets in their nares. However, I've never seen any nasal discharge, even when they both did have bacterial infections. Discharge is not normal in a bird like it is for those of us with allergies or sinus issues. In fact in 43 years of living with birds I've never seen nasal discharge. It is one of the symptoms that tells a bird owner to get into the vet quickly."

And I will add, my GCC Burt the Burd, had a life history of sinus infections, his last fatal episode he had one drop of liquid in her nostril, zero other symptoms, playing, eating, loving, found dead later in the day .
Penny had intermittent clear nasal discharge, now she did have other symptom, and was very sick, was put on antibiotics for a month and I was very lucky to save her. So because of that, is why it makes me want to share, and why I'm cautious. Because I don't want you to go through that pain.

I hope everything is fine. And it very well can be!! Just sharing that a runny nose is not normal for a bird. A culture or cytology would have been best practice. As well as fecal gram stain. Just looking at a bird doesn't tell you enough.

Anyway humidification will help everyone for sure.

Please get digital scale , 20 bucks st Walmart, and track weights, for life . So valuable with parrots.

And I can't wait for more cute Yoshi pictures! I think turquoise green cheeks are very beautiful. Thank you for sharing your experience. Lok forward to hear more if your story together.
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I urge caution and observations. Burds don't show mood change or symptoms unless near death and sometimes not even then. Im so glad you had him checked out by the vet. An avain veterinarian that had hands on exam, obviously knows more about your burd health than I do. And I'm not saying he is sick. His eyes are bright and clear, radiant feathers, and good body condition, all excellent.

But I'm still going to share my experience. Birds respiratory system are different than us, Burds aren't big mucus makers.
This is a past quote from a member I'm going to share.

" Join Date: Dec 2011
Thanks: 678
Thanked 976 Times in 836 Posts
roxynoodle is on a distinguished road
Re: Runny nose
Pete and Merlin sneeze more than Rowdy, but they are very dusty and I think sometimes their own dander gets in their nares. However, I've never seen any nasal discharge, even when they both did have bacterial infections. Discharge is not normal in a bird like it is for those of us with allergies or sinus issues. In fact in 43 years of living with birds I've never seen nasal discharge. It is one of the symptoms that tells a bird owner to get into the vet quickly."

And I will add, my GCC Burt the Burd, had a life history of sinus infections, his last fatal episode he had one drop of liquid in her nostril, zero other symptoms, playing, eating, loving, found dead later in the day .
Penny had intermittent clear nasal discharge, now she did have other symptom, and was very sick, was put on antibiotics for a month and I was very lucky to save her. So because of that, is why it makes me want to share, and why I'm cautious. Because I don't want you to go through that pain.

I hope everything is fine. And it very well can be!! Just sharing that a runny nose is not normal for a bird. A culture or cytology would have been best practice. As well as fecal gram stain. Just looking at a bird doesn't tell you enough.

Anyway humidification will help everyone for sure.

Please get digital scale , 20 bucks st Walmart, and track weights, for life . So valuable with parrots.

And I can't wait for more cute Yoshi pictures! I think turquoise green cheeks are very beautiful. Thank you for sharing your experience. Lok forward to hear more if your story together.

I agree, I am still like 90% happy, 10% cautious, I don’t want him to have a runny nose at all lol. For right now since he has seen a vet I am just going to see what else I can do for now. If this is still continuing till next week or even after I will take him back to be safe that he is ok. Has to be a reason as to why he has a runny nose, right now I shall see if the humidifier will help and go from there :)

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