Conure mutations feet color


Active member
Jul 3, 2023
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green cheeked conure
Hi, I just want to ask about feel color

Eddie is a yellow sided turquoise, and his feet look a bit pale greyish, his nails are also darker. The underneath part of his feet looks natural (light and pinkish)

I know regular turquoise conures have blackish feet, but idk much about the yellow sided mutation. Can they also get the darker spots and nails? I'm not worried because I haven't seen any change, they've been like that since he arrived, but I am curious if this is normal given his color mutation. (for ref his beak is also still half dark half light)

Hi, I just want to ask about feel color

Eddie is a yellow sided turquoise, and his feet look a bit pale greyish, his nails are also darker. The underneath part of his feet looks natural (light and pinkish)

I know regular turquoise conures have blackish feet, but idk much about the yellow sided mutation. Can they also get the darker spots and nails? I'm not worried because I haven't seen any change, they've been like that since he arrived, but I am curious if this is normal given his color mutation. (for ref his beak is also still half dark half light)

@Rozalka may know something about this, she's very knowledgeable about mutations :)
Sorry, I was offline the forum. But I can't really help anyway... normally yellow sided has pale legs, I'm not sure if discolorations are normal

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