Hello my peaches is at her 12th egg and I can’t get her to stop. She is 9 years old and this is her 2nd time laying eggs the first time she had 4 but this time we are at # 12 as of this morning. What do I do.? Someone HELP me please. She has nothing in her cage to stimulate her .im gaining her calcium in liquid and powder form but this are too many eggs any advice out there ?
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@Laura7628, but I'm sorry you're going through this with your hen. Is Peaches a solo bird or is there a rooster in your household who may be unwittingly stimulating this egg-laying with her? Even if it's a completely different species, and they may or may not mate, this can still trigger egg laying with Peaches. I have a male lorikeet and female princess parrot who are CRAZY about each other and I think it may only be a matter of time until my Peachie starts laying

They can also lay if there are other things in their environment that we don't recognise as triggers but they do, such as stroking them down their back, allowing her to burrow under a blanket or into a hoodie, or nesty looking spots in the house like underneath the couch or a dark secluded place that might not look like much to us but might look like a great nesting site to them!
What are you doing with the eggs she's laying? Once laid, the eggs should remain with your hen, because if they're taken away too soon she will likely go and lay more to replace them. I've had a couple of infertile egg-layers in my time and I found the best thing to do is replace them with dummy eggs so my hens could sit on those for a few weeks to work off their maternal yearnings. You can either boil Peaches' own eggs to make them a bit hardier or you can get really good fake eggs from
Perhaps a visit to the vet may be in order if she simply won't stop, they can suggest environment or behavioural changes that you can try that may help, or as a last resort they can try a hormonal implant such as Suprelorin. Just in case you don't already see an avian specialist vet, the list below may help you find one close to you...
After a suggestion by a member, @Abu Colo, the Mod Team decided to create a list of veterinarians around the world who see birds. This was something we had discussed a few years ago, but the task seemed so large that we didn't get very far. However, the need is there and we decided that the time...
I hope something here is of help to you, and that other members may weigh in with some suggestions as well.