Contest Ending Soon @ The Pampered Parrot


Supporting Vendor
Jul 2, 2010
GCC, Sun, Quaker

We have been running a contest for a while now and about two weeks are remaining before a round of voting begins.

The contest simply is creating a funny parrot or bird bumper sticker.

While the rules state US residents only, I'll gladly waive this if it means increasing the submissions. Currently there are about 150 and some of them are quite lame and a few are very funny.

I hope you will take a look and enter. The prize is $100 in store merchandise!

The Pampered Parrot | The Pampered Parrot Give Away!
I enetered last week. I hope mine wasn't classified as the lame one, LOL :p It was the one that said "People say I have A.D.D. but they don't understand... Oh, look! A parrot!"

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