Considering Pionus Ownership


New member
Jan 7, 2014
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Idyllwild, Ca
Sunny - 5 year old male Sun Conure

My boyfriend and I are considering getting a Pionus in the near future. My family all owns birds and we have a rather big flock, but none have taken to my boyfriend and he really wants a bird to bond with and care for. He will be a first time parrot owner.

We are looking for a parrot with a gentle nature, that can be handled by the whole family (not a one person bird), and something that is relatively quiet. We live in an apartment so the noise level of a Conure is about all we can handle. Also my boyfriend enjoys playing videogames/watching movies. We wanted a bird that would be content with being out of its cage and hanging out but would not demand constant one on one attention.

After discovering Pionus I couldn't help but think it sounds perfect for our lifestyle. What are some of your pionus like? Are they good first time birds?
I considered once to buy pionus. I never did, but from the research I've done, those are amazing birds.
My blue headed pionus is amazing! He is so sweet, and will go to anyone. He loves my hubby and myself equally and his body language is very easy to read. He will eat anything I put in front of him. He is such a clown, he climbs around like a monkey. He amuses himself and doesn't need constant attention. He does talk and is getting clearer all the time. He just learned to say good morning, and practices all day.I can't say enough about what a great guy he is!
My first parrot was a Pionus (white capped) & was perfect for me - not loud, loved to sit on my arm or shoulder, a cuddler

BUT despite what Pionus breeders tell you - it was a one-person bird & I never broke him of that habit.

So yes - great birds. But depending on its personality, either you or your boyfriend could end up being the sole loved one.

So the question becomes whether you and/or your boyfriend could handle that


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