concerning "thump" noise...


New member
Dec 4, 2010
Hey all,

We've had Joey, brownheaded parrot, for about 7 weeks now and I've noticed a weird thump sound that comes from him. It is hard to describe.. Kind of like when one of your lower backbones shifts into place. I'm not sure if something within him is doing the same thing? It happens once in a while when we grab him from behind if he refuses to step up, when he is climbing, etc. It is not very often.. I catch it maybe once a day or two but worries me. He does not react to the sound - must not be painful :S

Has anyone else heard this before?


Hey all,

We've had Joey, brownheaded parrot, for about 7 weeks now and I've noticed a weird thump sound that comes from him. It is hard to describe.. Kind of like when one of your lower backbones shifts into place. I'm not sure if something within him is doing the same thing? It happens once in a while when we grab him from behind if he refuses to step up, when he is climbing, etc. It is not very often.. I catch it maybe once a day or two but worries me. He does not react to the sound - must not be painful :S

Has anyone else heard this before?



I am not sure if i am describing the same thing here but if any off my baby eclectus get a fright, I will pick them up to calmthem down, i notice a clicking sound coming from inside the bird, kind of in the chest area. As the poor baby calms down the noise also goes. I have put it down to the fright as the heart rate is also elevated. There doesn't seem to be any after effects either.

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