
New member
Mar 16, 2022
Hey! I only plan to use this account for this one question, I'm seriously having a hard time right now :/

So in 2021, I got a new bird! His name is Ocarina. I've wanted another bird for a bit because my current bird, Majora, was alone throughout the day. Might not be necessary info, but my parents pushed to get a bird from this new pet store where they were selling the hi-red pineapple green cheeks, but I had the feeling I shouldn't get one just yet, and felt uncomfy the whole time looking at this pet store. So after my dad told one of the workers we were interested, the worker took what would've been Ocarina and their sibling out. Their sibling was more confident, got out of the cage quite fine a flew everywhere. On the other hand, Ocarina didn't want to come out, was very skittish, and tried to get away. The whole time this guy was showing us the birds, he was chasing them, trying to grab them out of the air and when they landed on the wall, he'd push his hand onto them and grab them so they wouldn't escape. The whole time I felt HORRIBLE for these birds, but I was pushed by my parents at the time and I ended up choosing the skittish Ocarina so that I could have a better chance at Majora and Ocarina getting along.

Cut to now, Ocarina and Majora do get along! However, I have some concerns. I don't know if there's something wrong with Ocarina which has caused his behavioral issues, or whether I'm not doing enough. He has anger issues, no doubt in my mind. I thought Majora had anger issues but he'd at least give me a warning bite. Ocarina full-on chases you until he can bite you. I've tried calmly moving away, he still chases me with no intention of stopping the bites, I've tried doing quick blows into his face and while it stops him for a bit he gets more pissed off and lightly shaking my arm makes him latch on more. He doesn't like being touched at all, even with training. I have fed him from hand and he's perfectly fine with that and mostly hangs on my shoulder and grooms my hair, which has to mean he likes me. In the cage, he likes being right next to Majora any chance he gets. Sometimes when Majora is right at the bars, you will see Ocarina right above him resting on Majora. It's cute, but if it's a potential problem I want to know. The biggest concern I have though is that whenever I notice it (aka when he's out the cage) he goes to the bathroom every minute. He's skinny for a green cheek his age, so it concerns me he has a problem with him. At some points, he's only peed when going to the bathroom. No solids or white parts which concerned me even more. His solids are fine, changes whenever he eats and no diarrhea from what I know. I've asked my parents to take him and Majora to the vet for a check-up but they don't want to pay vet bills until something actually happens. I can't drive nor do I earn an income so it's impossible for me to get them anywhere myself. I don't know whether it's the trauma from the pet store, I am doing something wrong or maybe he's in pain and it's causing him to lash out? Could someone help me, please?
Hello and welcome.

Regardless of past history, trust can be earned over time. But you can not strike a bird . Hitting a bird will not make it stop biting. And breaks trust, setting you back go square one.

I'm going to link some stuff.

" Dealing With Biting​

People will tell you that birds donā€™t bite in the wild. Well, they donā€™t usually bite successfully in the wild, but they will snap at each other if it becomes necessary, for example, if one bird invades anotherā€™s nest or territory. Birds do bite a lot more in captivity, usually because their boundaries are being pushed too far. All birds have a threshold of what they can handle before they lash out with a bite. There are other good reasons for a bird to bite as well. Here are some details about birds that bite:
From article
  1. Rule #1 The first rule in teaching a bird not to bite is not to get bitten. When a bird bites, he usually gets what he wants from the action ā€” you will go away and leave him alone. You will also make a big fuss over the bite, which can be attractive to the bird, an animal that loves drama. Rather than reinforce the behavior, just donā€™t let it happen. Learn to ā€œreadā€ your bird so that you can assess the situation and get out before the bite happens.
  2. Fear Biting You can hardly blame a bird that bites out of fear, even if the fear is unfounded. Look at the world from your birdā€™s perspective and try not to put him in situations that will frighten him.
  3. Hormonal Biting In the spring when the days get longer, some birds are prompted into breeding mode and may become territorial of their housing area, of another bird, or of a person in the household. This can usually be dealt with by adjusting the amount of light the bird gets a day to less than 12 hours.
  4. Jealousy Biting Sometimes, a bird will love his person so much, and then suddenly chomp down on him or her when someone else comes into the room. This actually has practical application in nature, although it is unpleasant. In the wild, a member of a pair will shoo away their beloved when another bird, a threat to the pair, flies into the territory. The ā€œjealousā€ bird is simply protecting their mate and their relationship. If you know that your bird does this, make sure that you can put him down before someone comes into the room, and donā€™t ever allow this bird to ride on your shoulder.
  5. Molting Some birds become irritable when they are molting and may not be feeling 100 percent. The same goes for birds that are ill or injured.
  6. Counteractive Biting Some birds bite to prevent you from performing or not performing an action, for example a bird that bites when being brought back to the cage because he doesnā€™t want to be locked in. As an aside, some birds that donā€™t like to be put back into the cage pretend that they have wobbly legs and that they canā€™t stand up just as you put them away ā€” what a great tactic for not stepping onto a perch! To prevent ā€œput awayā€ biting, donā€™t put your bird away every time you pick him up. Instead, do something fun, or play a little game before you put your bird away; mix it up so that the bird isnā€™t sure whatā€™s coming next, and make it fun! "
We all hope you mean you are blowing in Ocarina's face, and not actually hitting or tapping her face/beak.

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