come here

Yes it was, because it hurts my heart at the thought of another bird being possibly infected. I'm not trying to be mean, but it just isn't fair to do that to another bird.
You are right
Yes it was, because it hurts my heart at the thought of another bird being possibly infected. I'm not trying to be mean, but it just isn't fair to do that to another bird.
Agreed. You really need to put the birds you have before any other birds.
Thanks, everybody and again I will keep you updated
Mine is why someone would consider getting another bird when the ones they have may be carrying a deadly disease.
I think that is much worse than wing clipping, which each person who has birds has to make their own decision on what is best for their birds.
This is exactly what I was thinking!

Its very confusing to claim love. Then not do everything in your power to protect the lives that you love.

To put your wants above innocent lives.

Love is a commitment, is nurturing , is sacrifice, is protecting.

To be otherwise is selfish. And shows only self love . Devalues the truth of love
This is exactly what I was thinking!

Its very confusing to claim love. Then not do everything in your power to protect the lives that you love.

To put your wants above innocent lives.

Love is a commitment, is nurturing , is sacrifice, is protecting.

To be otherwise is selfish. And shows only self love . Devalues the truth of love
Laura, this was beautifully written. I couldn't agree more.
and i think i will make a topic about wing clipping
Just a friendly warning, wing clipping is very debated and controversial and has caused a lot of heated debate, not only on this forum but pretty much over the whole world. If you plan on doing it, make sure to add that it is your opinion. You'll need to be prepared for anyone disagreeing with you. If you are sensitive about people not agreeing with you and that they might even be slightly rude, then it's not a good idea. :)
Learning, really learning to read parrot body language. For Amazons its not too hard, but lots of other species have such subtle body language; it may only be a slight shift of eye focus or a change in body orientation. They are like a thesaurus with out a content page or index!

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