Maya The Ringneck

Active member
Mar 30, 2024
Indian Ringneck(Maya)
African Greys(Curly)(Sydney)
(RIP)Galah Cockatoo(Max)
Green Wing Macaw(Niko)
Palid Blue Quaker(Bruno)
Harlequin Macaw(Zia)
This thread is for any and all cockatoos.
they are one of my favorite parrots
so if you own a cockatoo please reply with a picture and maybe some info on your bird
There are 21 species of cockatoo and I have the smallest of the cockatoo family, a male cockatiel named Shifty. 🙂

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They are fun little birds with a good personality, I love when i get to work with them in the store
In the store? Do you work in a bird shop? That's cool.
I love cockatoos but never owned a large one mainly cos of how loud they can be. But I live in Australia so I'm blessed to come across these birds often.
Sulphur crested cockatoos, corellas and galahs are the most abundant where i live, I love watching their antics 🙂

This is Charley, our Medium Sulfur Crested ❤️
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In the store? Do you work in a bird shop? That's cool.
I love cockatoos but never owned a large one mainly cos of how loud they can be. But I live in Australia so I'm blessed to come across these birds often.
Sulphur crested cockatoos, corellas and galahs are the most abundant where i live, I love watching their antics 🙂
Yes i work in a pet store that mainly has birds, I have owned a moluccan cockatoo which we have had to rehome due to life problems and now i own a galah.
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Figured i should post my cockatoo, max, he is pretty new to my family.
He comes from a loving home, the only reason the people got rid of him is because one day my grandmother walked into their house (because she went to school with them) and the bird just picked her, and they both fell in love with each other.
That night when she got home my grandmother was the happiest i have seen her in a long time.
After her going to the peoples house for awhile they saw how much the bird loved my grandmother (more than them) so they told her to go home and clear out a spot for the cage.
Since getting the bird, Max has been nothing but a good loving bird, except when he bit my lip, so now im walking around with a sore on my lip, but i dont care.
Figured i should post my cockatoo, max, he is pretty new to my family.
He comes from a loving home, the only reason the people got rid of him is because one day my grandmother walked into their house (because she went to school with them) and the bird just picked her, and they both fell in love with each other.
That night when she got home my grandmother was the happiest i have seen her in a long time.
After her going to the peoples house for awhile they saw how much the bird loved my grandmother (more than them) so they told her to go home and clear out a spot for the cage.
Since getting the bird, Max has been nothing but a good loving bird, except when he bit my lip, so now im walking around with a sore on my lip, but i dont care.
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Aww that's a nice story, his so beautiful. They certainly are unique the cockatoo family.

Does it scream much?
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Aww that's a nice story, his so beautiful. They certainly are unique the cockatoo family.

Does it scream much?
not really he has only done that like once or twice because he was scared of a dog
Love your cockatoo, it looks amazing, i have been looking into maybe getting one but am not sure yet. they are amazing birds
Thank you! Charley was a group effort rescue. He was living 5 hours away from me, and his owner posted on FB that if someone didn't come and get him within a couple of hours that he would turn him loose. My friend who owns a rescue asked the people she knew for volunteers who could go get him, and the guy agreed that he wouldn't let him loose as long as they showed up the next morning.

The owner was at least honest about where he got Charley, he came from a crack house. The people there and also the owner who was giving him up would blow the smoke in Charley's face.

When he got to the rescue it was obvious that Charley was addicted, and he stayed at the rescue for a few weeks and then he came to us. He was through the worst of his detoxing, but he had night terrors every night. Sometimes he would stand in his cage and just shake uncontrollably, other times he would thrash madly around his cage over and over as if something was chasing him. The non-stop screaming was hard, but we could hear the fear in his screams and we just prayed that the screaming would stop after the drugs were out of his system. It was heartbreaking to watch. He was with us for 9 months before he no longer showed signs of what he'd been through, except for the night terrors. Those finally stopped occurring every night, but they still come back sometimes even after 8 years.
When they do, he calls out "Daddy" for my husband in a terrified, pitiful voice and it's enough to break our hearts:( Reg will go downstairs and after a few minutes of being held and reassured Charley will be okay again.
He rarely screams now, and when he does we can no longer hear fear, just a bird who wants more attention:).
Except for the occasional nightmare, you'd never know what Charley had been through. He's a wonderful bird, and we adore him❤️
Figured i should post my cockatoo, max, he is pretty new to my family.
He comes from a loving home, the only reason the people got rid of him is because one day my grandmother walked into their house (because she went to school with them) and the bird just picked her, and they both fell in love with each other.
That night when she got home my grandmother was the happiest i have seen her in a long time.
After her going to the peoples house for awhile they saw how much the bird loved my grandmother (more than them) so they told her to go home and clear out a spot for the cage.
Since getting the bird, Max has been nothing but a good loving bird, except when he bit my lip, so now im walking around with a sore on my lip, but i dont care.
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I love how the people who had Max not only recognized that he and your Grandma had bonded, but also allowed him to come home with her❤️ That is such a heartwarming rehome!

I think Galahs are so gorgeous and we almost got one, but in the end couldn't swing the $3000 for her. I'm excited to hear more about Max, I'll just live vicariously through your stories:) Max looks very interested in that cool toy!

I'm sorry about your lip and I hope it heals quickly.
Thank you! Charley was a group effort rescue. He was living 5 hours away from me, and his owner posted on FB that if someone didn't come and get him within a couple of hours that he would turn him loose. My friend who owns a rescue asked the people she knew for volunteers who could go get him, and the guy agreed that he wouldn't let him loose as long as they showed up the next morning.

The owner was at least honest about where he got Charley, he came from a crack house. The people there and also the owner who was giving him up would blow the smoke in Charley's face.

When he got to the rescue it was obvious that Charley was addicted, and he stayed at the rescue for a few weeks and then he came to us. He was through the worst of his detoxing, but he had night terrors every night. Sometimes he would stand in his cage and just shake uncontrollably, other times he would thrash madly around his cage over and over as if something was chasing him. The non-stop screaming was hard, but we could hear the fear in his screams and we just prayed that the screaming would stop after the drugs were out of his system. It was heartbreaking to watch. He was with us for 9 months before he no longer showed signs of what he'd been through, except for the night terrors. Those finally stopped occurring every night, but they still come back sometimes even after 8 years.
When they do, he calls out "Daddy" for my husband in a terrified, pitiful voice and it's enough to break our hearts:( Reg will go downstairs and after a few minutes of being held and reassured Charley will be okay again.
He rarely screams now, and when he does we can no longer hear fear, just a bird who wants more attention:).
Except for the occasional nightmare, you'd never know what Charley had been through. He's a wonderful bird, and we adore him❤️
Wow that's such an unusual story. A crack addict bird. Good to hear his much happier now thanks to your compassion
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Wow that's such an unusual story. A crack addict bird. Good to hear his much happier now thanks to your compassion
Thank you, the toy that he looked interested in is already shredded, and my lip is healing fine. I Love the story on your cockatoo, some people are crazy. Glad you got him, hope he is doing well, and he is happy.
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if anyone knows a moluccan cockatoo breeder let me know, i am looking into maybe getting one, i miss my old one a lot.
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Love all of the birds so far.
I am looking for someone with a galah cockatoo, to maybe help with more info on the bird species
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i need to see more cockatoos
Here is my 14 year old Female Umbrella Cockatoo name Sugar.


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