Cockatiels and other birds?


New member
Oct 1, 2024
Hi! i recently got a female i (think but its too young for a dna test) cockatiel and was wondering if i were to get more birds (most likely more cockatiels a pionus and ekkies) if they would be able to become friends and if so how to do that. I wont be getting more birds for a while since i need to find a breeder or someone who would sell them and also need to do more research on ekkies. And also if i were to do that should i get a male or female if it matters for them to be friends.
Just my non-expert random thoughts...


Adding birds new birds adding

Fortunately (unfortunately?) the Rb is so aggressive and territorial that I've never even dared to think of another bird...
Many here have found that they have to separate birds permanently... some have been fortunate and multiple birds get along.
You just never know! Never, ever.
Good for you for being so responsible and serious, and for reaching out!
I think that as long as you're willing to deal with whatever happens (e.g., separating them, if needed, handling added expenses, etc.), you'll be a great parront.
Good luck!
Keep us posted, please.

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