

New member
Dec 4, 2012
Her name is Lizzy I've had her for about 6 months now and she's approching 1 year old, her poops are normal and she has no drippy noses or anything like that. I think it might be that she might be a bit cold since we just moved the cage around, but I was wondering what you guys/girls thought. She's a little fluffy and a little's also completely dark after 4 here as well. and since she's been in a different room she doesnt get her morning sun anymore. She has been sneazing as well, but not a whole lot. Really only when she cleans herself. But I dont want my baby to be sicky and i can make an appointment for her to be tomorrow or the next day if need be.

What do you guys think?:grey:
You might want to try a full spectrum light. Do some googling/searching on here about them.
Full spectrum lighting is a great idea. Have you had Lizzy at an avian vet yet? Making sure Lizzy has an annual avian exam with your vet is very important.

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