URGENT cockatiel with head trauma will she survive?

Amy H

New member
Jul 2, 2024
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Hello, I am posting to ask whether the symptoms our little cockatiel has sound fatal or not? 3 days ago, she made her first flight, straight into a window. Immediately after, she was dazed and couldn't walk, but throughout the day she improved. There were no visible signs of head trauma as in injuries. The next day, she was worse again and now, she has some symptoms we are very worried about. She curls her feet into fists whenever picked up and cannot walk straight, she rolls over or has been using her beak to pull herself along. On the whole, she has been alert and still taking food but today even that is limited. A few minutes ago she was trembling violently for about 30 seconds but that passed, but she is fluffed up and panting a bit. We really don't know what to do with her other than sit her with a soft toy to lean on and give her food every now and then, and she wants lots of attention and hugs. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated

EDIT: a few hours have passed and Lizzie is seeming a little better. We are very hopeful she will pull through
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I am so sorry!

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I am so sorry!

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Thank you for your help :)

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