Cockatiel that is TERRIFIED of hands !


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Sep 11, 2023
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Heyy ! So a bit over 4 months ago I adopted a cockatiel, and he used to be super aggressive when he even saw me, but now it's better.
He will have treats from my hands, step up onto my fingers using millet and was just target trained.
However, if i approach my hand with no treats he will attack it.
Any tips ? (I know he had a horrible experience with hands in his old household)
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It sounds like you’re making good progress with him already! I’d say he just needs more time, keep offering your hands with treats around.
Taking your time is the most important thing and it sounds like offering your hand with a treat is too fast a pace for him.

Good luck with your tiel! And, on this forum, we love pictures 😊
Yes, I think you are doing great.
I had a female Tiel (pinky) scared of hands.
It took me 2 years for her to step up.
Offering my hand is okay for him he easily eats from my hands, but if i offer my hand with no treat he attacks it :')
Heyy ! So a bit over 4 months ago I adopted a cockatiel, and he used to be super aggressive when he even saw me, but now it's better.
He will have treats from my hands, step up onto my fingers using millet and was just target trained.
However, if i approach my hand with no treats he will attack it.
Any tips ? (I know he had a horrible experience with hands in his old household)
Your doing the right thing by feeding it from your hand. Patience my friend. We have to go at their pace. Keep feeding it from your hand and hopefully one day it will accept you and the hand. No guarantees but especially if it's had a bad experience with hands

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