Cockatiel Teenager...


Aug 24, 2022
2 Budgies!
Hello All,

We have had Sirius for about 9-10 months or so now(we got him at 12 weeks hand-raised). He is presumed Male due to the typical features and his very outgoing and vocal personality. We determined he turned 1 in July based on his age and when we got him. He has been a pretty typical baby tiel, very cuddly and attached to us. As of about a week ago, his hormones seem to have hit pretty hard. He's bitey, demanding, grouchy, and hard to predict. We did some research and are giving no response/reaction when he bites but I want to make sure we are doing everything we can to make it easier for him.

He is on a semi-strict schedule of 10:30 AM -7:00 PM out and in a covered cage for the rest of his bedtime. Some days may be earlier and some may be later letting him out but we have been very strict about bedtime. The bird are free through the 1st floor during the day with 2 big trees and about 7 different designated platforms with forage trays and toys. My husband and I work from home (at least part time) so someone is home with him daily.

Since we got him, he's been very clingy and wants to be with us, usually on a shoulder. We try to encourage a little more independence in him by moving him off our shoulders to one of the many places to be (His favorite has been a certain window seat). He can spend hours just singing and watching things out of the window.

He likes to come sit and sing to us, is this still okay?
We only ever give him head scritches, is this still okay?

When he's not being bitey, he won't step-up. We're worried as normally(even with the budgies ) we can bribe with treats to move them places if necessary. We consider this a way to ensure their safety if we need to evacuate or something bad happens and they need to be moved. Right now he will take the treat but leap off the minute you try to move him. Is this just his hormones or do we need to re-train a step-up and stay?

I'm no expert, butttttt based on the cockatiels I have met, he seems like a typical sassy, happy young fellow! I bet that some cockatiel folks here will have some more thoughts.
I'm glad you're here!

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"Me, too!"
What you're doing sounds good! I would keep up with the training. He's gonna be stubborn as all heck for the next little while, as his hormones level out. (Ah yes. Teenagers, LOL! ). Keep us updated! :D .
He has latched onto our female dog. He's behaving relatively normal when she's separate from him. She literally can't do any of the things you are supposed to avoid. We don't encourage any interaction between the birds and the rest of our pets but now he is following her around and get jealous when we interact with her.

We can't keep her cooped up all the time and cooping him up seems like it would make some of the behavior worse. Right now our best option is keeping her with us and using our shoo stick(feather cat toy to teach them to move away from jingling sounds as a precaution) to keep him from hovering over her constantly.

I'm hoping this will settle down with his hormones but what if it doesn't? She's not doing anything wrong and now he's trying to land on her and it's not safe.

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