So my cockatiel went in for an operation today as she was egg bound. The egg was too big to pass and so she had to be operated on. During the operation however they were unable to fully remove the egg and only half came out. They stopped there because it was cutting the uterus. Now half the egg shell is still inside her uterus. They are hoping she passes it through her poop in the next 24-72 hours but if she doesn't they said she will need a hysterectomy.*
Now I know this comes as a high risk factor. So I was wondering does anyone know if there is other methods to get her to pass those egg fragments rather than getting a hysterectomy? And if she does need a hysterectomy just how much danger is involved? I've been looking it up and everywhere is saying it's risky. I'm just scared to death of losing my little girl.*
I will find out more tomorrow morning when the vet rings but right now I'm so in the dark worrying what may happen. If anyone knows anything or has experienced something similar I would very much appreciate any advice.*
Thank you.
Now I know this comes as a high risk factor. So I was wondering does anyone know if there is other methods to get her to pass those egg fragments rather than getting a hysterectomy? And if she does need a hysterectomy just how much danger is involved? I've been looking it up and everywhere is saying it's risky. I'm just scared to death of losing my little girl.*
I will find out more tomorrow morning when the vet rings but right now I'm so in the dark worrying what may happen. If anyone knows anything or has experienced something similar I would very much appreciate any advice.*
Thank you.