Cockatiel cage aggression, normal?


New member
Jul 5, 2024
Coral (Cockatiel), Bonnie and Clyde (Budgies)
Hello all!

Just recently adopted a cockatiel (about 3-4 months old). He's had his wings clipped before we got him but they're slowly starting to grow back so he can fly pretty far and likes to test his skills by flying to random areas whenever he wants to (but he sometimes fails to grasp onto something so I like to keep a lookout so he doesn't get hurt). He's tame and will step up on my fingers when I go to retrieve him, likes to sit on my shoulder and head to sleep. I'm still trying to teach him to fly to me when I call his name though.

So to avoid him getting hurt or stuck somewhere, I try to let him sleep in his cage at night, but he gets super antsy when I close the cage door. Starts flying from perch to perch, climbing the cage walls in a frenzy, just getting really agitated to the point that he doesn't care about hurting himself? He broke a blood feather recently during one of his tantrums (it's since then healed and he's completely fine) and ever since I get freaked out he's going to hurt himself so take him out and try to calm him down. I've heard about tiels getting night frights but this is happening when I have lights on too.

Is it normal for them to get so riled up that they'd break their own feathers? Any ideas on how I could make him more comfortable in his cage?
I haven't heard of this one! But I bet somebody here has.. good for you for reaching out. And good luck.
What I do with my tiels is I cover 1/2 the cage with a blanket at night and leave a night light on. When they get antsy, I vocally whisper a 'go to sleep' and don't pull them out unless they're really flipping out. They're cranky for a few nights as a result, but they eventually learn that 'Night Night' = sleep.

Good luck and keep us updated :D.
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What I do with my tiels is I cover 1/2 the cage with a blanket at night and leave a night light on. When they get antsy, I vocally whisper a 'go to sleep' and don't pull them out unless they're really flipping out. They're cranky for a few nights as a result, but they eventually learn that 'Night Night' = sleep.

Good luck and keep us updated :D.
Thanks for the suggestion! I've been doing that to his cage at night and trying to teach him that being put in the cage = sleep time! If he starts to get super antsy, I take him out, tell him good night and then put him back in 10 seconds later. After 5 or so times of us going back and forth, he eventually just stares at me with a sheer look of confusion before he flies up to his perch and starts playing with his toy 😂 progress!

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