Cockatiel ate a small piece of decoration from my press-on nails. Is she gonna be okay?


New member
Oct 25, 2024
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Bambi- Cockatiel
Bonnie- Parakeet
Hi, I’m Emma.

I have a pet cockatiel named Bambi who’s healthy and active. About 40 minutes ago, she was perched on my hand and started playing with the decorations on my press-on nails. I noticed that she was able to take off one of the tiny pieces and I think she swallowed it. I couldn’t react fast enough as she already took it off. She’s been acting normal and preening herself, her stool is fine as well. Also started adjusting her crop a few seconds ago, should I be worried?

The piece that I think she ate is very tiny, It’s even smaller than a seed. It’s round and is probably made of plastic.

Thanks for anybody who can share insights!

Me and Bambi
Most likely she will pass it, if it was that tiny. Most times parrots don't swallow things they don't recognize as food - they may play with it for awhile with their tongue and then just drop it when they get bored with it.

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