Chronicles of Rookie


New member
Apr 9, 2016
Gracie - CAG | Rookie - BRHP
Hi everyone ... all 105 grams of Miss Rookie has landed at home

Here starts her adventure...

Hey look Ma is here to see me!

Woohoo mama lady said it was time to go to my new home.. I helped ma with some shopping first.. she said she her credit card was in pain afterwards not sure but it may need to go to the vet.

Wow that was a lot of shopping I needed to take a quick nap

Ok I wasn't too sure what that carrier thingie was or the noisy contraption mama put us in but I wanted outta there !


Ma started singing & making lil baby noises at me (I am NOT a baby) but it did make me feel a little better and I started to enjoy this ride



We got to this work place & I got to see some of the art

I was even allowed to pick out my very own

Mama had set up a cage where I could keep my stuff... it's so cool I don't even need to have the door shut or anything... freedom !

Hey look she got the same toys she's been bringing me when she came to visit .. cool these aren't scary at all!

Ok .. found the water ... Check!

This will do ... I can't wait to see what this home place is all about.

Hey look it's lunch time... I'll be back in a bit (I'll bet crazy camera mom will have more stuff to add too)
Aww, she is a beauty -- I love the ongoing stories, scrapbooks and chronicles of the lives of our bird family members.

She's so adorable. I can't wait to watch her grow up (from the safety of my my computer screen...I'm not a big fan of actually caring for baby and adolescent birds...give me the adult rescues with problems any day of the week.)
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Day 1 ... my first meal with ma

I'm back & just ate up all my yummy lunch. Mama says I'm a great eater & she is super happy she had them feed me until I was all the way weaned & introduced to lots of the new foods I'll eat at home!

I had some snap peas.. yummy umm

And broccoli trees

Corn... really ma only 1 kernel? C'mon don't be so corny!

Some millet .. ha ha if you wear it you'd have a millet haircut

I went a little nutty over my almonds

I had some apple & melon for desert!


I had lots of other stuff too including my pellets but I think mama ran outta film in her phone.

You guys should all eat your veggies too so I'll share some with you...


See ya'll later .. ok?
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Aww, she is a beauty -- I love the ongoing stories, scrapbooks and chronicles of the lives of our bird family members.

Me too. It makes it so much easier & I don't miss out on all the good stuff lol


She's so adorable. I can't wait to watch her grow up (from the safety of my my computer screen...I'm not a big fan of actually caring for baby and adolescent birds...give me the adult rescues with problems any day of the week.)

I agree.. she is so precious. I hear ya this is my first youngin .. actually my first non-rescue critter ever but with Gracie's needs she requires a lot of me (plus that's my baby girl lol we roll together) so for the family fid I needed to play it safer so they'll be able to care for and handle her. Plus I fell in love with that lil face & beak

She's copying my clicking & soothing noises I make. Gracie & her will have a blast chatting away & making noise.
Dear Rookiebird,
Good to see you have arrived. I had a pretty white/black beakie when I was a kid, but it grew into all black. Your eyeballs are cute. So are your feet. I think we resemble. If you have any problems handling your humans, I'm your bird.
The Rickeybird

[P.S. That was fun! xo, Gail]
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Dear Rickybird,

Hey I've heard about you & saw lots of pictures. Mama read me your scrapbook earlier today. She told me you are super duper special & come from Patagogogogonia and you make art & you know Santa Claws! You must be super duper wise.

Mama says my beak will stay half & half and help her aim the kisses just right. I'll hafta check what the eyeball thingies are but thanks! I like my feet too... ha two I have two of them & I like em both your feet are really pretty & pink! I like your yellows and greens we do resembles ... my yellow hides under my wings but you can peak @ it.

Thanks Rickeybird you're awfully nice to know!

[OMG, I can't stop giggling]

Dear Rookiebird,
Yer a good kid, Rookiebird. Don't do what I did... don't be a gangsta, don't bite everybody in sight, don't imitate yer mom's giggle to embarrass her, don't dump yer foodbowls, don't intimidate every person or pet with evil insults. Mind yer manners and grow up right, little fella!
If you saw my scrapbook. hopefully ya got SCARED STRAIGHT!
Peace, out.
The Rickeybird
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[Holy cow I just laughed so hard I got the hiccups - that was hysterical!]

Dear Rickybird,

I'm not sure what a gangsta is but imma gonna listen to what you say old timer. I've got a big sister at home I'll ask her what a gangsta is when I meet her. Mama showed me her videos.. she talks really good and sings pretty I'm sure she won't let me gangsta out.

Thanks Rickeybird!
[ame=""]When Your Parrot Is Gangsta ! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Gangsta parrot gets low - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Gangsta parrot - YouTube[/ame]

Mamas... don't let your babies grow up to be gangstas...
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Oh my gosh Rookie aka Rookiebird :) is SO cute! What a good girl she is eating all her variety of foods. I've been happy with the birds I've gotten from there too ;). The conversation between her and Rickeybird is hilarious!
Welcome home Gorgeous Rookie!!! Wow, she looks like she is already settled in! I am so excited to watch her grow, I really wish I had gotten just one baby to watch them grow up! Auntie Terry is so happy to watch her little niece grow, that is just as good:)
A big warm welcome to my baby (sorry, I know you aren't a baby) niece, Rookie! Welcome to the party, Sweet Girl! We've been waiting for you!

This thread made my day, I've grinning from ear to ear! I needed that after spending the afternoon in a dark cell!
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Really loved the chronicles, so entertaining , I am still smiling....Thanks

Then our work here is done :) thanks so glad u enjoyed !

Oh my gosh Rookie aka Rookiebird :) is SO cute! What a good girl she is eating all her variety of foods. I've been happy with the birds I've gotten from there too ;). The conversation between her and Rickeybird is hilarious!
I know right those two cracked me up :). She is such an awesome eater so far she hasn't turned down anything. She is a lil oinker! I've been so thrilled with them they took excellent care of her :)

Welcome home Gorgeous Rookie!!! Wow, she looks like she is already settled in! I am so excited to watch her grow, I really wish I had gotten just one baby to watch them grow up! Auntie Terry is so happy to watch her little niece grow, that is just as good:)
Thanks Auntie!! I am gorgeous huh? ~Rookie

She really did settle right in without a problem her and Gracie have been loudly calling out to each other lol she's in quarantine so they haven't seen each other but they are doing a great job of getting to know
each other loudly lol

A big warm welcome to my baby (sorry, I know you aren't a baby) niece, Rookie! Welcome to the party, Sweet Girl! We've been waiting for you!

This thread made my day, I've grinning from ear to ear! I needed that after spending the afternoon in a dark cell!
Thanks Auntie! Silly mama was taking her sweet time bringing me home but I guess it's ok cause I'm all ready for my new world! There is sooo much yummy stuff at this party! Gotta go nite nite now. Smooches ~Rookie
Love, love, LOVE this thread! Loved Rookie's 1st hand account of her experiences as she traveled to her new home! Nice!

Also enjoyed her conversation with the Rickybird, as well!

She's beautiful and seems to be a charmer, so I'm looking forward to many more pics as she continues to grow and thrive.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Dear Rookiebird,
Yer ol' buddy the Rickeybird has some advice. No matter how good of a girl you are, never forget you are a parrot. Why just today I was all snuggezszszs and love but then all of a sudden I was riding on the big moving perch where my hen rides and down the hall we went and then that other bird that lives with us was also riding his big moving perch down the hall and he got a little too close and I did what I had to do. Fortunately my hen had those ugly feathers she calls hair up in a bun and I had a clear shot to her ear, so as I always do, I yelled OWWWW and then bit it. Now let's see her brag about how well she understands me and how she hasn't been bitten in such a long time. So like I said... yer a parrot, and never forget it, l'il girl. Alrighty then.

I needed this this morning.
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Love, love, LOVE this thread! Loved Rookie's 1st hand account of her experiences as she traveled to her new home! Nice!

Also enjoyed her conversation with the Rickybird, as well!

She's beautiful and seems to be a charmer, so I'm looking forward to many more pics as she continues to grow and thrive.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

Thanks Stephen! So glad you enjoyed it. She's settled in just as easy once we got home. She ate dinner then cuddled up with Megan (our 16 yr. old) and watched a movie together until bedroom. I've got her quarantined in our 18 yr sons room who is away for the summer. Megan spent the night in with her lol now that's love for a 16 yr old to endure her big brothers bedroom to be with her new buddy.

Rickybird is such a character!

Will do my best :)

Dear Rookiebird,
Yer ol' buddy the Rickeybird has some advice. No matter how good of a girl you are, never forget you are a parrot. Why just today I was all snuggezszszs and love but then all of a sudden I was riding on the big moving perch where my hen rides and down the hall we went and then that other bird that lives with us was also riding his big moving perch down the hall and he got a little too close and I did what I had to do. Fortunately my hen had those ugly feathers she calls hair up in a bun and I had a clear shot to her ear, so as I always do, I yelled OWWWW and then bit it. Now let's see her brag about how well she understands me and how she hasn't been bitten in such a long time. So like I said... yer a parrot, and never forget it, l'il girl. Alrighty then.

Hi RB!
Rookie stayed home today with her lil human. I'll let her know when I get home! Oh my RB I hope your moms ear is ok. You be a good parrot and no biting moms ears she needs those to hear your pretty voice :)


I needed this this morning.

Then our work here is done :)

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