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- #21
I'm sorry if some people on this forum don't understand my "stricter" viewpoint on this matter but to me, budgies should never be considered to be dress-up toys or put through the things Chrissy has been subjected to by this 15 year old.
There is another post on this forum where the poster talks about two previous budgies and how they bled every time they took a bath and that's how they both died from blood loss. Were the budgies being allowed to bath on their own or....??
I look at the overall posting history of an individual, not just a particular thread when I determine how I respond to specific situations.
And, with all due respect poster #18, I don't agree with "cutting anyone slack" when it comes to health, safety and the well-being of the animals in question.
If a child has a pet and the parents are not involved enough to ensure the animal is getting the appropriate care it needs, then that child should not have pets until they are mature enough and financially able to ensure the animal is cared for as it should be.
Many young people show a great deal more maturity at a younger age than I have seen from the original poster of this thread.
In the Youtube video link below, her lovebird somehow shattered a mirrored toy and the broken pieces of glass are at the cage's bottom yet the poster doesn't check the lovebird for injuries and doesn't remove the glass right away.
She will do it later as she needs to do something downstairs.
If the lovebird happens to go to the bottom and injure the feet or God forbid play with the pieces and ingest glass in the process, no big deal for her.
Jordan broke the mirror! - YouTube
And here is a link to avideo about making budgie harnesses:
Budgies are much too small and fragile to be subjected to being placed in a harness.
Their bones can easily be broken with barely any force whatsoever to say nothing of the emotional trauma the poor birds would be subjected to.
Everyone can (and will) draw their own conclusions on regarding these matters but for any truely experienced budgie owner the truth is there ifyou take the time to look for it rather than making excuses for inexperience or age.
If the parents aren't involved enough to put a stop to these things then, in my personal opinion, the child should not have pets.
Not getting vet care for a budgie that has been attacked by a cat, not having money for a quarantine or hospital cage, running out and getting another budgie because you think the one you have is going to die, etc., using the excuse that someone else must have said the budgie was already dead, etc. shows the level of dishonesty, immaturity and cavalier attitude that is indicative of someone not ready to own animals at this stage in their life.
Please leave me alone.
I don't care about your opinion.
And how in the world did you find my YouTube channel?
Anyway, just leave me alone. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this position.
Plenty of budgies wear harnesses. I shared this harness idea with others on g+, I'm getting positive feedback. It's just YOU that thinks it's wrong.
And Jordan had no injuries, I checked.
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