Chili says Happy New Years!


New member
Feb 26, 2013
Chili (and I) would like to wish everyone a happy New Years!

She got her hair done...

Threw a TP party...

Had a few drinks...errr more like tried to, but this cup is defective

No matter how you celebrate, be safe and have fun!

Oh my goodness-sweet-pinkish-reddish-cuddliness-overload!

PLEASE make sure and give Miss Chili LOADS of snugglies from me...and huggles from me to Chili's mom, too. :D

Happy New Year!!! :smile015:
WoW! You sure taught her how to party right didn't you! Looks like she is having loads of fun! :eek:

Tell her Happy New Year from Zilla for me! :green:

And a very Happy New Year to you and your family! :D
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Wendy- oh I'll give her lots of snuggles for you, no problem lol and huggles right back at ya!

Amanda- Toos are natural partiers lol [emoji41] they're great dancers too! :p

Happy new year to you and Zilla!!
Happy New Years to the beautiful miss Chili and her human family!

I will refrain from showing Kiwi your photoshoot. He is looking for a lovely lady to kiss at midnight lololol:p Your mom may not approve!
Love the pics, Shirre!!! Such a gorgeous bird! Happy New Year's to you, too!!!!
Happy New Year beautiful Ms. Chili! (and Shirre!;))
Happy New Years to you Chili and to your mom and family.

Beautiful pictures BTW, Chili sure knows how to party. :)
Happy New Years Chili!
But Mom, I believe she needs a refill, her glass seems to be empty:)
Awww! Happy New Year, Beautiful Girls! Love those gorgeous photos!

Chili, Poppy wants to know who your feather stylist is, she loves your new look!

Hugs to you both, Shirre and Chili, and wonderful wishes for 2015 for your whole family!
Dominic reckons your Chili-girl is one bonza-looking sheila and he'd be happy to show her the glad eye, given half a chance. He was particularly taken by the pic of Chili's new hair-do. :D
Who's Dominic? My girl might like him. Is he a bit of a hunk? Sorry Chilli, you might have competition if there's an eligible bloke in the offing.
LOL! Dominic is my Galah, who lives on top of my fridge. He has a long and unfortunate history (which you could probably read if you wanted to by searching 'Dominic'). Since I've inherited him, Dommie has become a part of our family and is still working on his people skills. He is fond of a sexy young sheila like Chili.

What is your Galah's name, strudel? :)
Oooh! Sexy Pink! That's a great name for a girlie Galah. :)

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