cheer up, funny stories?


New member
Feb 18, 2011
1 nanday conure Black Jack, 1 Brotogeris parakeet Whiff, 1 ring neck dove Eliza, and 6 society finches (3 are tame). RIP my parent pairs of societies and my little gouldian finches
so today i saw this show, and in the show a bear cub got hit by a car:(, and then the mom bear became broke into 3 houses and had to be well you know:( was realy sad because just 10 min ago in the show they were happily eating in the woods i had to cry. i mean you heard the baby stop moaning and then you knew it was too late, then the mom started moaning!:(its been getting me down and i thought some funny stories about parrots and their antics could cheer me up:D! feel free to tell any bird story you want!

sory i dont mean to get anyone down :eek: hopefuly if anyone else is down these stories will cheer them up too!:)
Aw. I hate watching things like that. I can never get it out of my head.

I am actually about to head off to bed but maybe some pictures will cheer you up! Here are some of Savannah outside.



Maybe even a video of her dancing and "singing."

And her annoying butt on the neck position with my husband. I have no idea why she does it, but the feathers hurt after a while. lol

And, of course, helping with the chores.
Here is a story that I think is kinda funny :D

My two parakeets Tapa and Tio. Well they are both still babies and are discovering the pecking order!:p

Every morning an epic battle of wits and strength happens between them! The opponents brace themselves for battle. Tapa (my blue female) fearlessly uses her size and strength to defend all perches and swings!Tio on the other hand is smaller and uses his wit to keep Tapa from the food bowls. Tapa will crawl under Tio and lift herself up so tio falls from the perches. The cage is kinda tall so its a long fall for a parakeet lol:eek:. once he hits the grate he gets right back up and screeches over the food bowls. He wont let her eat for about an hour or so. Then they both get tired of trying to figure out the pecking order and about an hour and a half later they both are chriping happily and preening each other :rolleyes:
awww savanna is lookin fab sky, an lmao parrot parent! sounds just like sibling rivalry :)

nut when she is in the mood will hunt down toes! or scurry under a blanket for them, she doesn't bite them hard, just hangs onto them an watches us squeel

or she runs about our bodies like a rat, and when every i am wearing an elastic hair band, thats gotta come off, as she like to chew on them

and she really does not like gettin told off!! will fly over an nip you for it at times!!!
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LOL, all those stories were histerical! that realy cheered me up! skycon, your macaw is beautiful! her feathers are so deep and shinny! thank you all so much!
Ok , here's Jake the YN helping me out around the house with her arch enemy "yellow bird"
[ame=]yellowbird.MOV - YouTube[/ame]
Here's some JoJo would say if Gracie lands on the floor, "oopsie" or "wheeeee" it cracks me up everytime. When its time for bed he would say "night night, I love you". Willie would say the opposite during bed time, you tell him good night, he'll reply with "Good morning". He hates bed's so much more they do that cracks us up....birds say the darnest things....
Here's a cute story for you. Yesterday i bought my amazons this new perch which would hang from the top of thier cage by a few question mark shaped hooks and it was called a treat perch cause it was coated in seeds. So I placed it in their cage at about 5ish pm and i am sitting on the couch across the room watching TV while they play in thier cage and play top when i see Priscilla carrying the perch. She proceeds to carry it out to top of the cage and throws it and then states, " MMmmm, Mmmmm" I went to pick it up and noticed she had eated all the seeds off it in a matter of 45 minutes. and was kindly telling me she liked it and was now done with it. I thought the naked perch could go back in her cage just for you know the perch but everytime i try to put it in now she walks up to it, unlaches it from the top of the cage carries it to the top and throws it back out of the cage. I think she has made her point! No seeds no perch! lol

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