Charlieā€™s home made toys


New member
Feb 16, 2018
Hello all :orange:

I thought I would post some of the things I have made for Charlie my caique.

Charlieā€™s Happy Hut - He likes it so much that he will actually carry his daily fruit bit by bit into the hut to eat.

Charlieā€™s Rough & Tumble Zone - He will hop and roll on his back with his toys here.

Charlieā€™s Foraging Paper Flower - He has a ball destroying it and finding the occasional almond and sunflower seed.

I will post more as I go :)
These are all adorable! What kind of paper did you use in the foraging flower? I really like the way that looks. I can't wait to see what you make next:)
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These are all adorable! What kind of paper did you use in the foraging flower? I really like the way that looks. I can't wait to see what you make next:)

It was made from crepe paper. It can be made with just about any paper if itā€™s non toxic :orange:
I wouldn't have guessed crepe paper from looking at it. I would just advise to watch Charlie closely while playing with it as I have seen crepe paper listed as non-safe on a few toy making pages due to how thin it is, and more easily swallowed.
OOoooooh! I love the Rough and Tumble zone!! Makes me wish I were a bird!! :D

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